Preparing Corn Seed
- 1). Allow corn husks to fully mature on the stalk in an isolated crop of open-pollinated corn.
- 2). Pick the husks from disease free and hardy corn stalks. Select only the best for seed preparation.
- 3). Place the corn husks on a rack to naturally air dry. This can be done in a garage or barn where there is natural airflow, yet protection from birds or other animals prone to eating corn.
- 4). Rotate the corn husks in your hand to remove the kernels when the corn is fully dry. The corn will be loose enough so that most will come off by rubbing it in your hand. Pull off remaining kernels with your fingers.
- 5). Discard damaged or unhealthy looking kernels as you remove the kernels for seed.
- 6). Place the seeds in envelopes. Mark the envelope with the date and corn variety. Store the seeds in a cool, dry and dark place.