Do You Know How Important It Is To Hire A House Inspector
In my day-to-day work as a real estate agent, I come across a lot of clients who ask me questions regarding Home Inspection and I thought that it would be a good idea to share it with you all.
This article is based on the information shared between real estate agents and their clients.
Below are the questions posed by the clients and are written in questions and answers format based on real time discussions.
What Is Home Inspection? Real estate is a very important investment in an individual's life.
When you are buying or selling a house, it is important that you get a complete inspection by a Home Inspector.
In simple words, Home Inspection is a thorough visual examination of the appearing structure and systems of a home from the roof to foundation.
What Is The Purpose Of Home Inspection? Home Inspection allows the buyer to not only know the exact condition of the house but also the fair market value of it as well.
For sellers, Home Inspection would allow them to identify the problems of their home and how much of an expense would they have to bear to increase the value of their house by manifolds.
We see through our day-to-day dealings with different clients that their house is valued less than it should be because of the existing problems with their house.
The sellers can also get an idea as to whether it would be good to get their house fixed or they should sell it as it is.
Home inspection can help you make very important financial decisions of your life.
Is It Important That I Get A Professional To Do Home Inspection? There are some people who think that they can do home inspection on their own as they have a very good idea about the structure and the systems of the house and do not hire a professional to do a home inspection for them.
In my opinion, it is best if you hire a professional.
These professionals have worked their lifetime analyzing the houses and looking keenly at every single detail of the structure and the systems that go side by side.
Home inspectors are well versed with the basic elements of home construction, their installation and maintenance, as well as they do not have an attachment to the house as the owner and give an unbiased report based on facts.
When Should I Call For A Home Inspection? There is no general rule for it, there are individuals who go for a home inspection before they do a contract so that they can find out the actual statistics regarding the structure of the house and the repair work that it needs.
In general, people go for a home inspection after they have signed a contract and for them it is important that they have an inspection clause in the contract, so that the purchase is based on home inspection.
Can A Home Inspection Fail? A home inspection cannot fail, it is just a visual examination of the property to let the sellers or the buyers know as to the condition of the property and how much repair work is needed.
Should I Be There When The Home Inspection Is Being Done? It is an excellent idea to be there while the home inspection is being done and it would be good if you jot down the questions for the home inspector or could ask him on different things on spot.
In short, it would be wise to be at the time of home inspection.
What Should I Do If The Home Inspection Report Shows Problems? If the home inspection report shows no problems, then it is perfect.
On the other hand, if the report shows problems, then you have to see as to what kind of problems are there and what kind of repairs it would require, either it would be okay or burdening for you.
If it would be okay for you to go with the repairs, then it is okay, if it is not, then you can always step back from the contract.
A very important aspect to discuss here is that if there are major problems found in the house, then the seller can adjust the purchase price or contract terms, so it would be fair for both the buyer and the seller.
If The House Is In Good Condition, Do I Need A Home Inspection Then? It is important to note here that whatever the condition of the house, you must get a Home Inspection done.
With the home inspection you are going to know the condition of the property and all of its equipments and systems and you can keep the report of the home inspection as a future reference for yourself.
With this said, I hope my article will provide you with an idea as to why hiring a house inspector impacts so strongly on the most important financial decision of your life.
Happy Selling & Buying.