Prosolution Pills - Ingredients Break Down
The usual dose of this male enhancement is twice daily and users often see results at around two weeks.
Prosolution combines tonics, herbs, and proprietary compounds that are able to give both partners a better sexual experience overall.
Many ingredients come together to make Prosolution the drug so effective.
One reason that Prosolution is so effective is the use of circulation aids.
Circulation aids are herbs such as safflower, apigenin, and taj that are used to increase body-wide blood flow.
It is a proven fact that increased body-wide blood flow has positive effects on both penile blood flow as well as better erections.
These natural herbs are also known to have omega-3 fatty acids.
These fatty acids are linked to reduce inflammation of the body as well as improved heart health.
Prosolution also contains proprietary compounds.
These proprietary compounds are such things as Solidilin and Drilizen.
Solidilin contains the neurotransmitter L-Dopa.
This neurotransmitter increases the brains pleasure nerve by letting certain amounts of dopamine into it.
While Solidilin contains L-Dopa, Drilizen is a combination of both herbal ingredients and amino acids.
Another active ingredient in Prosolution is the use of tonics.
Tonics such as reishi mushroom, bladderwack, and amla are all invigorating tonics that give the body a sense of well-being but also stimulate the body's energy.
One of the primary herbs Bladderwack is known for many things.
One of which is its therapeutic effect on the thyroid gland.
This effect on the thyroid gland helps to increase the users metabolism, which is known to encourage one sexual well-being.
One more extremely active ingredient in Prosolution is the use of Zinc.
Zinc is known to have many positive effects on the human body.
One of which is to increase body testosterone levels and act as a natural aphrodisiac for the user.
Zinc also provides the body with nutrients that enhances sperm motility as well as the quality of the sperm.
Prosolution uses many ingredients that combine to give the user a better sexual experience.
These ingredients are tested and proven to not only make the sexual experience better for the male user but for the female as well.
When taking a male enhancement supplement there are many different reasons that it will work for the user.