Work at Home Moms Create Entrepreneurs
They also quite often create entrepreneurs in their own children.
When my daughter was just 13 or 14 she came to me and told me she was interested in opening an IRA account.
She knew about IRA's in two ways.
Being a work at home mom myself, I had an IRA account since I didn't have any other type of retirement benefits.
It was a term she was familiar with.
In addition, she had a friend whose father was an accountant and so he also knew the term.
Today, my daughter is 26 and has had money in this IRA for over ten years now.
Imagine when she's 65 how that money will have grown.
Here are some additional ways that work at home moms can teach the art of being an entrepreneur to their children: 1.
My children have learned that there are always many options available out there.
There is not one right answer for everyone.
Some people sell books and other people sell music.
My children have learned that just about anything can be turned into a product or service-based business.
My children have learned about customer service.
Sales are all about relationships and customer service.
Because I've been a work at home mom since my kids were born, they've always been exposed to someone striving for excellent customer service.
My older daughter has always been active in my business, helping with data entry, newsletters, mailing of catalogs, putting together fundraising packets and more.
She's seen all the pieces of running a business from home and has learned which pieces are most important in creating success.
Running a business of your own does require high self esteem, personal motivation and the ability to multi-task.
Both of my kids have developed all three of these characteristics as a result of learning from me and working with me.
Work at home moms must develop a money management system.
Being self- employed means no taxes are being held out by the company.
It means there is no 401K and there are no benefits such as health insurance.
Money management is a must.
Both of my kids have a very good understanding of money and how money works.
Time management, like money management, is essential to those who work from home.
My kids have seen me work at 5:00 a.
and they've seen me work at 10:00 p.
depending on the day and what needs to be accomplished.
Having the flexibility to work your own schedule is a luxury that not everyone has.
Making decisions, whether right or wrong adds to the overall self confidence of an individual.
My kids have seen me make a decision that needed to be changed.
However it's my decision, not a boss's decision or a company's decision.
Both of my kids are able to make decisions in most any situation.
Work at home moms very often find joy in watching their own children use the skills taught to them in childhood to create their own businesses and become a second generation of entrepreneurs.