How to Choose a Driveway Gate
In fact, you do not have to buy a pre-made gate, because there are manufacturers who create gates to your unique, special specifications.
So what are the things you should consider when you're planning to but a driveway gate? Automatic or Manual? Do you prefer one that is manually opened? If yes, consider if you want to get out of your vehicle whenever you are leaving or entering your property.
Automatic gates, on the other hand feature password pads, buttons, key fobs, which tend to be more convenient for most people.
Normally, this type costs higher than the manual type, and added costs is required when the mechanism that opens and shuts the gate has to be repaired at a certain time in the future.
How Secure? Decide if you want the driveway gate to be installed just to add decoration, or if you need it to reinforce the security of your property.
A secure driveway gate could definitely be created to look pleasing to the eye, but some decorative driveway gates are not suitable if you want to keep strangers and astray animals out.
Secure driveway gates have to be high, sturdy gates that would be hard for someone to climb over.
Spikes on the top could help.
But this does not mean that your home needs to look like an ugly prison.
Plan about how to keep the gate locked -- do you need a padlock or do you prefer a built-in lock? How Should the Gate Open? Do you want a driveway gate that swings open or slides open? The sliding option is commonly seen in properties where there's limited room for a gate to open.
If you choose the swinging type, which direction should the gate swing in? If you are in your vehicle, will you not forget that you have to park far enough away to give room for the gate to open? Single-swing gate or double-swing gate? Do you prefer your gate to open in full each time you'll enter and leave your property, or would you want to include a smaller gate at the side which you could open and close with ease if you are going in or out on foot? How About the Material and Decoration? What materials would you like your driveway gate to be created out of? Wood? Wrought iron? Plastic? What about the colour? Will the different components of the gate be in different colours or just one colour for the entire gate? What style is in harmony with the style of your property?