So You Want To Enter A Talent Show?

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So you want to enter a Talent Show. Preparation is key to putting together an great act that will help you nail the audition and blow the audience away. The first step is to decide what act you want to do for the Talent Show. Your choice of what you might want to do could be real easy to decide on. For instance, if you take music, voice or dancing lessons. You already might have a piece you’ve been working on for your recital. If that is the case you have a talent show act all ready to go for the Talent Show.

Regardless if you have been taking lessons or not, and you can still sing, dance or play an instrument in the Talent Show.

There are many other talents out there you could use for the Talent Show as well. Talent Show Ideas are endless. Maybe you’re great at karate or magic. There might be a group of girls that could put together and perform a cheerleading routine. Are an aspiring comedian or personater. Write your very own piece and perform an original stand-up act. If you’re into acting, you and some other actors could perform a scene from a play.

No matter what you choose to perform in the Talent Show, make sure it’s something that you will have fun with, something that can be done on a stage and something that works for the venue. Practice, Practice, Practice. We all know you can never have enough practice. It is amazing how many people just get up on stage and try to wing it. Even if you can pull of an act and it turns out great without any rehearsals, it would still be 100 times better if you had practiced before the Talent Show.

Rehearse as often as possible continously for the Talent Show.

When you think you have practiced enough, rehearse some more. It is a good idea to have a friend videotape some of your rehearsals. Then you can sit back and give yourself and honest review to see what is working and what’s not. Based on the videos you can always improve your act a great deal. After you have made the ajustments, record and watch it again to make sure the changes have really made a difference. If possible try to practice on the actual Talent Show stage. Wear your costume sometimes to get use to it as well. This will let you know in advance if the stage is too small or your costume needs some ajustments, rather than having to make last minute changes. Even if it is not possible to practice in your costume or on the actual Talent Show stage every time, practice at home or wherever you can as often as possible. It will make all the difference.

Costumes do not need to be the latest, most expensive and fancy to be effective for any Talent Show. If your act does not call for something big and flashy, you still want to be creative and figure out something. Something is better than nothing. Try shopping at discount stores and thrift stores for the best bargins. Sometimes digging down into your closet and using old clothes that you never wear anymore might work. Use whatever you can think of to give yourself the look your act needs. Remember, they do not have to look perfect up close. The audience will most likely be a ways away so concentrate on creating some effects with your costumes rather than worrying about complete accuracy in every detail. However, this is only if your act qualifies for that type of costume. If your act does not require a costume, wear something nice. "Nice" to some could be a dress or a suit. If you feel that would appropriate then that is what you should wear. Simply, dress the part, depending on your act for the Talent Show.

"The Performance"

Don't drag your act out past the required or recommended time for the Talent Show. The best of the best performances can become boring if the act runs on to long. If the song you are performing as an example is too long, cut it down shorter. Choose your favorite verses and drop the rest. Two to three minutes is a good amount of time for a song or a skit, but is only a guideline. They should have the limits and minimums in the Talent Show rules. There are terrific acts that are shorter and terrific acts that are longer. Again, get out that video camera and tape your act prior to the actual Talent Show. Reveiew it with friends and family criticing it.

Here are some tips to help your Talent Show performance look and sound as professional as possible. Don’t wait until the night of the Talent Show to start following them. You need to start now, while you’re practicing. By the time the show comes around, it will be second nature and you won’t have to think about it.

Make sure you speak up (Not yell) and slow way down. When people are up on stage during a Talent Show, they are often overcome by nerves and speak their lines either to quietly or yell them out. Often times they will fly right through them making it impossible for the audience to understand and follow what they are saying. If you have a microphone available make sure you use it. If that is the case, speak plainly and slowly as possible. Project when you need to without yelling. It will make all the difference for your Talent Show performance.

Put on that "Happy Face" and smile for the Talent Show. No matter what, even if you have stage fright or embarrassed because you just made a mistake, smile and it will appear as though you are having fun like nothing ever happened. The judges want to see you enjoy yourself having fun. Even if you are not having fun, let the judges think you are. If your act does not really call for a smiling happy face you need to show some type of emotion. Happy or sad.

Posture makes a big difference. Yes, remember when your Mother use to tell you to always sit up straight? Well, it was for many good reasons. Stand or sit up straight, whether you’re singing, dancing or acting. Good posture also represents confidence. Confidence will help win the Talent Show.

Keep your eyes focused straight ahead at the audience but be real about it. If you happen to be very nervous and don’t want to make eye contact with anyone, look just above everyone's heads during your Talent Show performance. Chances are you will not be able to see them anyway because of the lighting. When we say "real" do not look straight ahead at the audience like a manequin. Keep your body open and never turn your back.

An option and comfort piece for some is sitting. Consider sitting on a stool. If you’re singing a sad, slow song, or something gentle and you’re not comfortable moving around on stage, consider sitting on a stool rather than just standing there. It will look more natural and relaxed.

Always Keep moving forward during the Talent Show. If you forget your lines or lyrics, drop the ball (literally) or fall off of your stool, just keep going like nothing happened. The best thing to do is make light of your mistake and smile. Everyone will understand. Know one expects perfection. In fact, sometimes a funny reaction to a mistake makes the act more entertaining and realistic.

End the Talent Show strong and professionally. When your act is finished you want to smile and wave to the audience. If they clap which we hope they will, take a short bow and walk off the stage with your head held high. You did your best and it's off to the next Talent Show.

Last but not least, be prepared for the unexpected.

Make up a "Performance Emergency Kit" for the Talent Show. You might want to have some safety pins, needle and thread, extra copies of your music and lyrics, a spare set of guitar strings or drums sticks, hairbrush, Advil or whatever you can think of that you might need in case of emergency for the Talent Show. Even if you end up not needing them, your supplies might come in handy for some other performer who finds himself or herself in a bind. PLus, it will help putting you at ease knowing you are prepared for the "What if?"

If you are new to the Talent Show scene try doing a search for "YouTube Talent Show". You will be able to see several exmaples. We hope this Talent Show Information helps you out the next time you enter a Talent Show.

NOTE: The best example right now is "America's Got Talent - AGT". Some people like to refer to it as America Has Talent (Same thing) It is a must see.

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