Online Resume Searches - Why a Standard Internet Search Doesn"t Work
But wait! How should you do this search? Can you do a standard resume search online on Google or Yahoo? While you could, this isn't recommended.
Why not and what is the best approach? Why your standard run of the mill internet search will not work when it comes to finding resumes online: When you perform a search on Yahoo or Google, you are likely to search with a keyword phrase, often the job title.
For example, you might search for "retail management resumes.
" Since search engines are used to connect you with all different types of websites, you will find more than just resumes posted online.
In fact, do a search with the phrase "retail management resumes" and you are likely to first see tips for writing these types of resumes, free templates for retail managers, and more.
Basically, you get mixed results.
Since you are searching thousands of websites at once, Google and Yahoo rely on related keywords.
This is nice, but your search should include more than just a keyword or keyword phrase, it should also include a location.
For example, say you are hiring for an entry level office position slightly above minimum wage.
Someone is not going to relocate across the country for this job; therefore, you want to find local candidates.
Still, simply adding in a state or city name is also likely to produce mixed results.
You aren't guaranteed to find resumes posted online or the resumes of local job seekers.
So how should you do an online resume search? Your best option is to use job search sites or resume databases.
Sometimes, you will find that these websites are one in the same.
For example, a job search site lets you post a job listing online, but they also let you browse through all the resumes job seekers uploaded to the site.
Some websites for online resume searches are free to use, but don't be surprised to find a small fee either.
But wait again! Why is it better to use a job search website or a resume database? They do more than match resumes with the search words or phrases; they also take other factors into account, such as your zip code and search radius.
Moreover, they tend to focus on resumes, meaning you won't see websites where free templates or help tips are listed.
This means the best results and a lot faster! Are you ready to start your search for the perfect job candidate?