Best Identity Theft Protection Tips
There are many ways in which the miscreants can access your information, but you can use various techniques to foil their attempts and make their job as difficult as possible.
Free Identity Theft Protection Tips
Best identity theft protection tip one is to ensure that you take special care of your account statements and private records. If they are not in use, tear up or shred any bank account statements, credit card statements, credit solicitations and insurance policy paperwork that contain any kind of financial or personal information.
Best identity theft protection tip two is to find ways to keep your mail secure. You can lock the mailbox, get a P.O box or collect the mail immediately after delivery. Never put the outgoing payment in home mailbox, as miscreants can steal these.
Best identity theft protection tip three is to be aware of people you are dealing with. If someone comes to you and asks for any private, personal or financial information, do not tell them anything unless you know exactly who they are and what they are looking for.
If someone calls you up and asks for any details, enquire about the company and purpose of the call. If you feel that the call might be legitimate, check the company's credentials and then call them back. Give the information only after you are convinced that you are speaking with the authorized representative.
Best identity theft protection tip four is to get your name removed from various marketing lists. This will reduce the number of junk mails and calls you receive. Be very protective of personal information, and don't trust anyone when it comes to sharing it.
Best identity theft protection tip five is to keep a close eye on your credit report. You must review your report once or twice a year, especially if you suspect anything suspicious in your accounts. If you find something suspicious, notify your credit card company immediately. It also helps to scrutinize your bank and credit card statements very carefully. Ensure that you recognize all the listed transactions and purchases.
Following these simple steps will help you prevent the identity theft.