3 Myths That Can Make the Perfect Relationship Go Sour and What You Can Do to Avoid This
You may have also wondered if there is such a thing as the perfect relationship because if there were then those marriages would last, wouldn't they? You may also conclude that all relationships have a sell by date attached and that's just the way it is.
As much as I understand your viewpoint here- the perfect relationship does exist and can be created and can be maintained, it's just a matter of knowing how to do this and also destroying some myths that are getting in the way of this happening.
As you read on make a note of these 3 myths and see if your past relationship failures have has anything to do with them Myth 1.
If I am with the right person then everything will be easy and we won't need to work hard to make the relationship work If you subscribe to the idea that you can have the perfect relationship with your ideal man -- as I do, then you may also believe that because you now have him, you won't need anything else in your life- because he will some how automatically meet all of your needs.
If you think like this then you may have bought into a myth that can derail you because the work starts when you are in the relationship and like any thing you are building will need constant tweaking and fixing.
If you think of your relationship as a house for instance, all the work goes into the planning then the building of it and then the maintenance of it, depending on how old the building is.
And this is exactly like your relationship- but myth 1 above destroys your focus and makes you believe that all you need to do is have the plans, build the house and then it takes care of itself.
Myth 2.
The right relationship will always be great and I will feel excited to be in it Have you ever been on holiday -- enjoyed yourself only to find after a couple of weeks away that you are itching to come back home? Or you're out with friends and you're having a great time but then you realise you need time away just to collect your thoughts? It is the same for any relationship and more importantly the perfect relationship because no one can feel excited all the time -- without the down days there can be no good days, without darkness there can be no light.
What you can and do get when you are in the perfect relationship is a higher level of fun and love and excitement even when it lulls and this is what makes the work that you put into the perfect relationship worth it.
Myth 3.
My perfect partner will give me everything I need and I just won't need anyone else If you believe that one person can meet all of your needs then you will be disappointed when you find out that no matter how much your husband loves you, he doesn't always know how to listen to you.
That no matter how much he adores you, he doesn't always want to help out around the house.
And not matter how much he cares for you he won't always want to spend a lot of time with you.
Your perfect partner may suit you like no other person could, or ever will, but your friends can give you something he can't and that's normal and healthy.
If you have been diligent enough to attract your ideal man then make sure you don't spoil things by expecting him to be everything you need.
So, to make sure your relationship doesn't go soar -- identify the myths that may be clouding your judgment and put them up to the light of day and really think if they are serving you well- if they aren't do your best to then change them.