Things To Check Before Hiring A Copywriting Agency
Here below is a list of 5 things you could do to confirm that you are in the right track before you can outsource projects. Remember, this is your business at hand and you want to promote it so that at least you get some profits out of it and also move it to next level.
i. Is it an agency for real?
The demand for services of an agency has really gone up. Freelancers are also hoping that they could get work to keep them going. So, some of them have instead chosen to assume the image of agencies so that they can win projects yet they are not delivering.
One very sure way of catching such pretenders is asking for a little more information from them. Maybe, try asking for their physical location and see if they have one that others know about. This should not be kept secret and you can even gauge from the way they respond to you.
ii.What is the mission of the agency?
The mission statement of the agency would help you see what they would offer you. You need to check on what they have to say and what they promise. It should be clear that they have a mission to provide you the best services that you need and at the best costs.
iii.How available is the agency?
You also need to work with an agency that is available. This means that they will always be there to attend to your calls and to give you the answers that you need. You would need to check whether they have a support line that is active for the 24 hours of each day of the week.
iv.What has it done before?
You also need to look at the capability of the agency to undertake the kind of projects that you have in store for them. You need to look at the previous work that they have done to see that at least they have undertaken a project similar to what you have for them.
v.What are other clients saying?
The reviews that other clients have made on the agency are also important to look at. This will also help you know whether the agency you are looking at is a good prospect. It will also allay your anxieties on issues of quality and timelines from the projects that you have.
If you can look at the 5 checks, you will possibly narrow down a copywriting agency that you can work with. You will also be sure that the copywriting services you will get from them would help you meet your business prospects just the way you would want to.