Selling Your Brand
The majority of successful business to business, or business to consumer sales representatives will confirm that before a purchase decision is made often times the first interaction the end consumer has is not with the product or service itself but rather the sales person.
The old saying, that you never get a second chance to make a first impression rings true.
Therefore, adopting a personal branding strategy is becoming the most effective way to make a good first impression.
Hiring managers have become increasingly interested in a candidates brand before making an interview decision.
Companies will often Google your name to discover any web presence.
Resume and cover letter writing services must now provide online and offline marketing solutions to clients.
There are companies that provide social media in order to promote your unique value to perspective employers and customers.
Selling yourself is the first step to closing the deal.
Use the web to provide yourself with that all important first testimonial.
Increase the confidence that consumers and companies have in your ability to meet their needs.
The end result will be more job offers and more business opportunities.
The vastness of the internet should not be underestimated.
Start-ups and beginning entrepreneurs should seek out small business consulting firms capable of developing web presence.
Business owners can then focus on their daily operations.
The bottom line is sink or sell.
Warning: Do not neglect the above! Be sure to take this guidance seriously if you want hiring managers to extract your resume from the stack in order to call you in for a job interview.