Nancy and Phillip Garrido Marriage Profile
Unlike Rosemarie Fritzl's denial of her husband's cruel enslavement of their daughter, Nancy Garrido was a partner with her husband Phillip Garrido in the abduction, rape, and imprisonment of Jaycee Lee Dugard.
News Updates:
6/02/2011: For the abduction and sexual assault of Jaycee Dugard, Phillip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years to life in prison. Nancy Garrido was sentenced to 36 years to life in prison.
Phillip Craig Garrido aka Phillip Greg Garrido: April 5, 1951 in Contra Costa, California.
Nancy D. Bocanegra: July 18, 1955 in Bexar County, Texas. Some reports initially stated Nancy was born in the Philippines.
How Nancy and Phillip Met:
Phillip and Nancy met while he was serving time at the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kansas. Nancy was apparently visiting her uncle who was also a prisoner at Leavenworth.
Wedding Info:
According to Phillip's brother, Ron Garrido, "The couple communicated through letters and then married in a ceremony held behind prison walls."
CNN News and report Nancy and Phillip were married on October 5, 1981.
Marriage License of Phillip and Nancy Garrido
Antioch, California before incarceration.
Phillip: Owner of a printing business and the Telegraph reports he "began a non-profit-making corporation [God's Desires] to develop an audio system to reproduce the voices in his head."
Nancy: Accountant for their printing business and caregiver for Phillip's mother, physical therapy aide, nursing aide.
Previous Marriage:
Phillip was married to Christine Murphy aka Christine Marie Perreira in Carson City, Nevada on March 11, 1973. The high school sweethearts eloped. The couple divorced on Oct 20, 1980 in Contra Costa, California.
Sources: and
Christine Murphy: ""He started to get controlling, he started hitting me. He smacked me, he told me to grow up."
Source: "Monster Phillip Garrido's First Wife." 8/31/2009.
Quotes About Nancy and Phillip Garrido:
Jaycee Dugard's statement to Phillip and Nancy Garrido: "I chose not to be here today because I refuse to waste another second of my life in your presence ... Everything you ever did to me was wrong and I hope one day you will see that. What you and Nancy did was reprehensible ... I hated every second of everyday for 18 years because of you and the sexual perversion you forced on me. To you, Nancy, I have nothing to say ... you stole my life and that of my family ... You do not matter any more."
Source: "Jaycee Dugard and Mother Terry Probyn's Impact Statements." 6/2/2011.
Ron Garrido about Nancy Garrido: "She would do anything he [Phillip] asked her to. I told my wife, 'It's no different from Manson and those girls.' She was under his control."
Source: Demian Bulwa. "Kidnap suspect had criminal past, brother says." 8/28/09.
Christine Murphy: "Phil's a good manipulator. He could talk you into pretty much anything."
Soruce: Contra Costa Times. "TV show: Ex-wife of Jaycee Dugard's alleged kidnapper speaks out." 8/31/2009.
Jaycee Lee Dugard Case:
6/02/2011: For the abduction and sexual assault of Jaycee Dugard, Phillip Garrido was sentenced to 431 years to life in prison. Nancy Garrido was sentenced to 36 years to life in prison.
4/28/11: Pleading guilty to kidnapping Jaycee Lee Dugard and numerous other charges related to the case means that Phillip and Nancy Garrido will likely spend the rest of their lives in prison. The plea deal calls for a sentence for Phillip of more than 430 years to life and a sentence of 36 years to life for his wife Nancy Garrido.
2/04/11: Phillip Garrido was found mentally competent to stand trial.
10/01/10: Prosecutors indicted the Garridos with additional charges related to the abduction of Jaycee Dugard.
9/23/10: Nancy and Phillip Garrido were indicted by a grand jury in the rape and kidnapping of Jaycee Dugard.
8/28/09: Garridos charged with felony kidnapping, forcible rape, lewd conduct, false imprisonment, and more.
8/27/09: Phillip Garrido, a convicted sex offender on parole, and his wife Nancy Garrido, are in custody after being charged with numerous felony charges in the kidnapping, rape, and imprisonment of Jaycee Lee Dugard. More Articles from 2009 About Phillip and Nancy Garrido