Sacred Love - Begin Each Day With Love and Celebrate the Magnifiicent Gift of Your Life, Your Love

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Begin each day with your inner work -- early is best -- and with this to support you, as you move through the day, you will meet each opportunity that presents itself from your own centre.
Then you establish and dance with a sense of joy, vitality and enthusiasm for life.
With this in place, no activities are work any more, they are an act of love, and you find yourself tireless in it because you have all the energy you require for anything.
It is a question of where you begin, and of what you understand your real work to be.
Try to start out with an intense love of life, then go wherever that love takes you, and do whatever you are called upon to do from there.
Many people go out into life and then meet with the numerous contracted energies and complexities that could obstruct their efforts.
Only struggle ensures that they begin to think about their spiritual practice as something to attend to once all the "important " things have been taken care of.
Not surprisingly, the person often feels too tired and abandons the idea of developing a spiritual practice altogether.
Be Rid Of Stress If you are stressed and hyper a lot of the time, there is really no possibility to open your heart to love.
It's hit or miss, a moving target, if you are rushing around trying to please people, nervous and worried about everything.
You cannot be loved, you can only be mothered.
Maybe this running around is deliberate, a good excuse to avoid the unwelcome and unresolved pain.
But all pain is only blocked love.
There is no pain that love cannot overcome.
You can love them, and yourself again.
This is the magnificence of love.
Most stress is self-induced reaction, and all sustained stress is self-induced reaction.
Your love cannot live in a stressful home.
Your heart cannot hold love if your mind is stressed.
So it is up to you to change this circumstance.
Staying stressed is like waiting for the world to change by asking for the world to be covered in leather, instead of wearing sandals.
You can make changes to your way of thinking.
Love is everywhere, its natural, all else is the ego.
In love there is health, youthfulness and spirited living.
In the ego, there is pleasure and pain in equal balance.
We have this opportunity to choose many times each day.
We can make the effort to be open and to live with a genuine love and respect for ourselves and for others; we can choose to see all our inner effort as an investment in the quality of our outer life.
We can choose love or we can let ourselves be consumed by doubts, fears, judgments, anger, worries and insecurities.
You have to choose your outcome carefully.
Instead of being consumed by tension you can open yourself, feel the flow of energy pass through you, and grow as a result.
Then you become free, free of all the biological, psychological, and emotional restrictions that endlessly limit human beings to an unfortunately stupid and harsh existence.
When you listen to your heart you have wisdom.
This wisdom will allow you the silence to observe others and appreciate their needs.
To live without stress is not just meditating, although this can release tensions and reactions.
It is really about becoming aware of the essence of your own life, and beginning to live from that essence, whether you're walking, riding the subways, working in your job, or something else.
True, honest, heartfelt living is being aware of your heart's essence at all times.
Whether you're sitting still or moving around, it is there.
You wont need a special place or environment in order to feel centred and happy, your whole life itself an act of true love.
Learn To Rest To have a full and generous relationship, you must learn how to rest.
As a matter of fact, few people know anything about rest.
It is a very valuable art.
There are those whose sleep is good, but it is not restful, they wake up tired.
Real rest evolves from a state of peace and oneness.
It cannot happen without freedom from care and a receptive attitude toward life.
To receive love and affection, (which is more than the mothering of a nervous wreck), you'll need to be able to rest and relax.
To be bubbling with nerves and tension the whole time will give no home for your love to settle, no intimacy.
| Be Mindful, Don't Worry Try to keep your mind healthy.
Worry is terrible for a romance.
There are some people who cannot control their inner thinking, who have excess inner dialogue, worry excessively.
In my experience, no sooner do they have the solution figured out to one problem than the next worry is upon them.
They affirm some form of necessity to have disturbance in their lives.
They thrive on the negativity and hardship of their life and no matter what their ambition, cannot rise above such negative thoughts to go deeper in life than the surface.
It is akin to an actor who cannot separate the stage from real life.
These worriers, through their own thinking, manifest the demise of everything they achieve.
We don't have to sabotage what we have in order to grow.
Only by appreciation for what we have, do we get to keep it.
Worry is delusional.
Insomnia is its friend.
Mindfulness can cure them both.
Override Fear We are all afraid, so there is always fear.
But if you fear your partner doing something, like hurting you, then you are almost guaranteeing it will happen.
Fear acts like a force going in circles.
We fear loss, we fear gain, we fear the unknown, but most of all, we fear change.
Every ego has a natural resistance to change.
We know where we are; we don't know what might become, or what might become of us.
Fear lies at the bottom of so much of our behavior.
If you think like this you are going to wrap nets around yourself.
Fear acts as a centripetal force, drawing you back into the same patterns for which you have been programmed by much of your upbringing and experiences.
It draws you into the same orbit the same old patterns of eating and anger and violence.
You have to override it.
You have to make a conscious determined effort within yourself to override that programming.
This is usually quite simple.
You just have to deeply want to grow.
To destroy the old ego movies and create new ones, bigger reasons, bigger outcomes, less personal investment and more service for others.
There is no way on earth that you can have a stressful, negative, worried life, and in that time create a harmonious relationship.
If we worry, complain, grumble, and are continually upset and angry, we manifest a relationship of disharmony.
Resist Coping Mechanisms Downers arrive.
During protracted downers, or when we are not loving, we react and want to change everything.
Our ego takes hold and we typically increase our consumption of alcohol, drugs, foods and smoking.
We can even become more greedy, ambitious and addicted to people.
These are coping mechanisms, and we are wise not to let them take over, they are reactions to a temporary situation.
There was a young girl in Canada, and she tried to commit suicide.
I worked with her for a few hours, just after she had tried to hang herself.
She was badly burned around the neck from the hanging rope, which broke.
I asked her why she tried to end her life and she screamed, "I am a bitch, I am a bitch" and I said, "I know".
She was so shocked she was really ready to attack me.
I continued, "So is Madonna, Mother Teresa, Princess Di.
You name a great woman and I'll find the bitch.
They use that skill to do what they love.
Madonna to shake the world up, Mother Teresa to get funds for children, Princess Di to stop the land mines.
Bitch can be loved".
She was smiling in seconds.
She nearly died because righteous people condemned her beautiful magnificent innocence.
She was an amazing and spirited woman, and because she couldn't cut out what is natural, she nearly died.
Affirmation for lovers "I know the part of my lover that I am going to focus on, I know they will have the opposite too, I will acknowledge that, but I will focus my life with them on the positive side and accept the other exists.
I will remember that to appreciate someone is to make them feel worth more than they felt before I met them, that means appreciate them more than they appreciate themselves.
I trust this knowledge that nobody can beat them up more than they do to themselves, so, you don't even have to say a word, they are already criticising themselves.
I trust this.
Therefore, if nature seeks the balance in all things, if I do the criticising, some other person is going to saddle up to them and do the complimenting.
I don't have to guess who is the more attractive and who my partner will want to make love to.
" This is Sacred Love.
Peace of mind comes from us, not to us.
It's how we react to the world.
The ego can't be at peace.
If we are at peace, there is no ego.
The ego is looking for identity, It can't relax, it is always right or wrong, blaming, superior.
Peace of mind is so vital to relationships All the arguments and all the fights, The resentments and angers come from the ego.
Peace of mind stills the waters of the mind And allows love to flourish.
This is Sacred Love.
There is only one way to be bound to anyone.
And that is by love.
Being bound by love is not being bound at all.
It's liberation.
Then if they come or go nothing is changed.
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