How to Use an Address to Find a Pay-Phone Number
- 1). Direct the browser to This will pull up the homepage, which has pictures of interesting pay phones from around the world.
- 2). Press the "Numbers" button at the top of the page. This will direct you to a page explaining that the database contains about 750,000 numbers.
- 3). Press the link that reads "750,000 payphone numbers." This will take you to the database of American numbers. If you are looking for pay phones in a different country, links to pay phones sorted by continent are listed in Resources.
- 4). Click the link to the state where the address is located. This will bring up a list of cities in that state.
- 5). Click the link to the city where the pay phone is located. This will bring up a list of all pay phone numbers and their corresponding addresses that the database lists. However, there is no clear logic to the way these are sorted. So, if you are in a large city with a lot of pay phones, you may need to continue to Steps 6 and 7 to quickly find the address.
- 6). Press "CTRL" and "F" to bring up the the "Find" tool, which should pop up in the upper right corner of the browser.
- 7). Type the beginning of the address into the text box. This should direct you to the address, if it is indeed listed.