How to Setup Gmail Email Account?

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What is the effective way to interact with your potential clients? How you can manage information flow within your business premise? Well, the most possible answer to these questions is email. It is popularly used as the most convenient medium of communication. In order to use email effectively, you need to setup email first and thus, you can take help from email setup services. You can find various email services that can be accessed freely for official as well as business purposes. There are so many popular free services including Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook, AOL Mail, etc. But, the most commonly used service is Gmail.

Brief on Gmail

Revolutionizing the entire webmail, it has become the most popular web service for various users. It has free IMAP or POP access, improved searching, sorting and starring so as to let you organize emails and chat conversations. The interface is fast and rich. Google Talk lets you chat quickly with group or individual user. Also, video chat is possible. It is the best free online storage for all your messages. Just sign in to your Gmail or create a new account if you don't have one to explore Gmail to the fullest.

In order to setup email on Google mail, follow the below steps:

1. Click €Create an Account€ for Gmail.
2. Enter your first name and last name in the €Name€ box.
3. Type your choice of user name under €Choose your username.€ After this, your email address will be that user name along with €€
4. If your choice of user name is not available then enter different name or click €Available€ to see options.
5. Under €Create a password€, type the desired password and then type it again under €Confirm your password.€ Always choose strong password that would be difficult to guess. Also, for extra security you can enable two-point authentication.
6. Select your birth date to enter.
7. Choose your gender from the category €Gender.€
8. There is an option to enter your mobile phone number under €Mobile phone€ for account verification and authorization. But, there is no need to enter your phone number to sign up for Gmail.
9. As an option, enter your existing email address under €Your current email address.€ This will be helpful in recovering your lost password. There is no need to specify this secondary email address to create a Gmail account.
10. Type the characters given in the captcha picture in €Prove you are not a robot.€
11. From €location€, choose your country or location.
12. Read the Google terms thoroughly.
13. Check the box €I agree to Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.€
14. You can optionally check €Google may use my account information to personalize +1's on content and ads on on-Google websites.€ It is not compulsory.
15. Click €Next.€
16. Click €Next€ again.
17. Finally, click €Continue to Gmail.€

Therefore, by following the above steps you can easily setup your Gmail email account. If you need any further help then you can call email setup services experts.
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