Concrete Crack Injection Seals Up Minor Cracks
Why You Need Concrete Crack Injection
Ignoring a crack in your concrete walls is one of the worst things you can do. The crack can become a source of water leakage into your home, which can contribute to the growth of mold, mildew and bacteria. Not only are these things unpleasant to have in your home, but breathing in mold and mildew can aggravate respiratory problems, especially in kids or in people who already have asthma or other breathing difficulties.
How Does Concrete Crack Injection Work?
Concrete crack injection is a simple fix that can stop water penetration not only in cracked concrete, but also in rod holes and in the areas where pipes enter your home. The injection is a permanent fix and an affordable solution that can solve your water problems quickly and easily.
To begin the process, special plastic ports are placed over the crack, located approximately 10 to 12 inches apart. These ports will allow for a polyurethane material to be injected into the cracked area. The rest of the crack, other than the area with the ports, is covered by a surface bond that will remain on the crack temporarily for long enough to contain the injection of the Polyurethane.
After the crack has been properly prepared, a trained technician will begin to inject the polyurethane through the bottom port and will continue injecting through that port until he reaches the next one up. After plugging the bottom port and beginning to inject in the next one, the process will continue until the technician has reached all ports. Once the polyurethane has been injected into all ports, the technician will confirm that the entire crack has been filled.
The polyurethane then sets for between 24 and 48 hours with the surface bond and ports remaining in place. After this time, the material has solidified to firmly and fully seal the crack and the ports and bond may be removed.
Benefits of Concrete Crack Injection
There are many benefits to choosing concrete crack injection to fix cracks in your basement including:
* Cost: This method is an affordable way to deal with cracks and far more cost effective than drain tile systems.
* Convenience: The process can be completed quickly and easily
* Permanent solution: The crack will be permanently filled, solving your water problems and making your home a safer and drier place to be.
The innovative technology of concrete crack injection has changed the way in which basement cracks are dealt with and should be carefully considered by any homeowner dealing with cracks.