3 Tips to Use in Your Job Search
Sometimes it feels like you're on the edge of a new opportunity, while the next moment the rug is pulled out from under you and you're back to square one.
Here are some job searching tips to keep in mind when you're searching for that perfect position.
In these times, it can be really difficult to get ahead of the competition.
One of the best ways to do this is to reach out and contact people within the company or industry that you are applying to and ask them if they are aware of any opportunities that might be suitable for you.
Unless they are extremely busy, most people will feel flattered by the fact that you are asking them for help, and will do their best to put your name out in front of the resume pile.
In fact, lots of larger companies incorporate incentive programs into their hiring processes, meaning that if you refer someone to your own company, they will pay you a certain amount of money.
This money can actually be a pretty substantial amount, so there is definitely a reason for someone in the company to want to refer you to their hiring managers.
Start Large.
When you begin your search, you want to have the most options available to you as possible.
Some of the larger websites like Monster and CareerBuilder are great resources because they have hundreds of thousands of postings and are updated constantly.
Get Picky.
If you are searching these huge websites, it can be really easy to post your resume to hundreds of jobs in the span of a couple of hours.
This is not the best strategy though, since a generic resume and cover letter aren't going to convey that you really picked the job because you would be a great fit.
Instead, you want to pick a select few jobs and craft specific resumes and cover letters for each.
This will show the company that you applying to that you are very interested in the specific job posting that they have.
The key to a quick and easy job search is not to get discouraged, and looking for a job should be considered a full-time endeavor.
Keep these tips in mind as you plug away at the job search and you'll be employed in no time!