Decorating With Memorabilia (Old Stuff)
Often times, if the man of the house wishes to express himself he must do it in the basement or garage.
Here's an idea guys.
Turn your basement into a rec-room and your garage into a carriage house.
Just put up walls and a ceiling.
Then, decorate with memorabilia (old stuff).
Chances are you have been hoarding old things in the basement and garage for years knowing full well they would regain usefulness some day.
Your old sporting goods, signs, kitchen utensils, yard tools, etc.
have been collecting dust for years.
Suddenly these treasures become wall art.
A conglomerate old stuff (memorabilia) tastefully displayed, tells a story about the homes occupants.
Whether grandma owned it, grandpa played golf with it, you found it in a barn, bought it on line, every piece has a story.
You become your own interior decorator.
It's hard to make a mistake because its your story.
Where do you find memorabilia if you are not a hoarder or you did not save enough stuff? You can go to some one else's basement, yard sales, flee markets, or estate sales.
All time consuming, but can be fun and educational.
Fortunately we live in the time of the Internet.
Not only can you find authentic antiques on line but some very fine reproductions.
Mixing of some authentic and some reproductions can save time and money.
Simply put your search in your browser and start decorating.