How to Get Rid of a Squirrel Nest
- 1). Set traps in the attic, where squirrels are most likely to nest. Trap the squirrels before you attempt to remove their nests. If the squirrels are still living in the attic when you remove the nests, they will simply build new ones.
- 2). Place habanero sauce on any chewed wood in the attic. The sauce will keep the squirrels from continuing to chew on any pieces of wood and discourage them from making a home in your attic.
- 3). Place the mothballs around the attic, in corners and in small spaces where squirrels might crawl in and nest. Locate any crawl spaces or entries into the walls. Place mothballs in these places and seal them off so squirrels cannot get into them and make future nests.
- 4). Locate the nests. They will likely be in corners, walls or in cramped spaces. Take the broom and sweep the nest out. If the nest is in a tight space, run the broom handle into the wall or crawl space to knock out all pieces of the nest. After removing the nest, place mothballs and habanero sauce where the nest used to be.
- 5). Release any trapped squirrels back into the wild. If they are released close to your home, they may try to come back out of familiarity.
- 6). Place all nesting material in large trash bags and dispose of it with the regular trash. If there are any dead squirrels in the nesting material, contact animal control in your area about the laws regarding disposing of dead animals. They vary depending on where you reside.