4 Simple Ways to Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back

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Many articles tell you how to get your ex boyfriend back, and not how you can turn the tables and make your ex boyfriend want you back instead.

The truth is, if you make your ex boyfriend want you back instead, your chances of making up is higher because you let him come to his own conclusions instead of you forcing your way into his life

Sounds impossible? Read these tips and decide for yourself.

Control Your Emotions

Yes, this is difficult for you because you're a lady, but to make your ex boyfriend want you back, the first thing you need to learn is how to control your emotions and express your feelings in a more guy-friendly way.

By that, I mean be the same confident, easy-going woman you were when you first met your ex boyfriend. Don't call him up and pour out your deepest feelings for half an hour thinking it'll help you. You'll only sound needy and desperate and scare the hell out of him instead.

Improve Yourself

A person who constantly improves himself/herself is appealing, so don't sit at home and wallow in your misery. To make your ex boyfriend want you back, start improving yourself.

Start improving your photography skills, brush up on your French, or sign up for a cooking class. It really doesn't matter what it is so long as it's something positive. And while you're at it, you can also try to get involved in something you know your ex boyfriend would enjoy too. That way, you have a ready excuse to meet up.

Enhance Your Looks

This is a great way to make your ex boyfriend want you back, because while women think looks aren't everything, they sure mean a great deal to men. But don't go to get a plastic surgery immediately or change your entire wardrobe to match that of a super model. You just need to be the most beautiful you.

Learn what clothes suit your figure, what hairstyles bring out the best in you and what makeup tips highlight your best features. You'll be surprised at how much better you can look just by doing those simple things.

Prioritize Your Life

Many ladies think that all guys want to stay single as long as they can, but there are plenty of men who are ready to get married and start a family, so they are constantly on the lookout for stable, mature woman who're ready too.

So a good way to make your ex boyfriend want you back is to let your life reflect that you're ready to settle down, and that means you should prioritize your life. Examples include not working late, not partying every night, setting aside money for the future and taking care of your health.

Evaluate your life and see what areas you need to work on.

The truth is, you do stand a good chance to make your ex boyfriend want you back when you apply the tips above. After all, I'm sure at one point in your relationship, your ex boyfriend thought you were an amazing woman. Let him know you're still that same amazing woman and he may just come back.

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