Cotton Sateen Vs. Egyptian Cotton
- The term "sateen" refers to the manner in which fabric threads are twisted into what is called a satin weave. In contrast to a one-over-one weave like that used in percale, a satin weave consists of warp or weft threads passed over filling threads.
- Any fabric can be made sateen, including cotton. Cotton sateen has a silky, smooth feel and a lustrous surface. Sateen cotton can be produced in both light and heavy weights. After washing, cotton sateen's lustre can be restored by ironing.
- According to Gracious Style Fine Linens, voted Best Overall Linens by The Wall Street Journal, Egyptian cotton is the finest cotton in the world. Grown mainly in the Nile River Valley In Egypt, this type of cotton has exceptionally long and delicate fibers.
- While both cotton sateen and Egyptian cotton offer softness, durability and beauty, Egyptian cotton is the preferred choice for some of the finest linens in the world.
- Cotton grown in Egypt has a staple (fibre) length twice that of generic cotton.