Animal Trainer Job and Qualification Requirements
It does not mean they cannot work with other animals such horses and domesticated animals.
In addition, an experienced and skilled trainer can also work with wild animals like tigers, lions, elephants, bears, and friendly creatures like dolphins.
Trainer Basics Dog involves multiple aspects like obedience training for pet dogs, and work related training for service dogs like the police dogs and other service dogs.
Herding and assistance dogs are other species that require adequate training.
In fact dog training has become a regular academic course now and it is possible having online degrees as well.
Usually a trainer for service dogs has to work around 37 hours a week on the weekdays.
Dog Job is Lucrative A dog trainer can earn very good salaries.
Instances of a trainer earning over £30,000 per annum are not scarce getting.
His job is quite lucrative.
Even persons who never visited a university for regular academic courses can become a skilled trainer and earn handsome salaries.
Requisites for a Good Trainer Usually the trainer should be confident about handling any type of dogs.
Acquiring such capabilities shall only be possible when the trainer has good understanding and compassion for the dogs as well as their owners.
Patience and positive attitude are two of the big assets for them.
Motivation is something that they should not lack.
One of the most important qualities of the dog should be knowledge about different breeds of dogs and their behavior.
Dog Trainer Jobs Majority of the dog trainers are self employed.
Usually they work for the clubs and rescue centers.
Other employment opportunities come in form of security agencies, police, army veterinary corps, and revenue and customs services.
Basic Qualifications Till date no such entry level qualification has been prescribed for an animal trainer who trains either domestic or commercial dogs.
However the realization that most of the times the training levels of dogs either domestic or commercial has to be of very high quality, has inspired both the authorities as well as entrepreneurs suggesting some standards for training and experience.
For instance a person seeking the job of dog trainer for police must have GCSE or A*-C with mathematics and English as subjects.
Many employers now find out whether the prospective candidate as dog trainer has undergone apprenticeship in some reputed agency or organization in animal care.
People who have gained experience in the field are preferred over non-experienced trainers.