How to Make a Graffiti Alphabet
- 1). Draw the letter "A" lightly with pencil. Use a simple block letter style. Draw the letter small enough so there is room to fit the rest of the letters on the paper.
- 2). Draw the letter "B" in block style next to the first letter. Leave some space between the letters. Repeat this process for each letter until the entire alphabet is drawn out.
- 3). Modify the lines of the original letter "A" you drew by bending them, cutting off corners and/or extending the length and width. Do the same type of modifications for each of the other letters. Erase any extra pencil lines from each letter.
- 4). Trace each letter with a black pen to give it an outline. Make every line in black the same thickness. Make the black lines bold so they are defined.
- 5). Color the inside of each letter with colored pencil. Color each letter with a different color, or make them all the same. Do not color the letters too dark because the black outline needs to stand out.