How A Fashion Blog Can Make You Serious Money Online Part-Time
It's quite easy and similar in concept to a food blog as a lot of people also love to do.
I'm sure a lot of your friends on Facebook are posting random photos of what they find interesting along the way and that seems to be a growing trend nowadays especially with things like Instagram and Pinterest going around.
A fashion blog is definitely just as popular because it's so simple but also helps other people with the same interests perhaps make buying decisions about what stuff they want to wear or what they think looks sexy.
It can be just as simple as going around shops or even going around your wardrobe and trying things on, taking snap shots and uploading it - then writing a few comments and descriptions about it on your blog.
The thing that not many people are aware of though that you can actually make a decent income online from a fashion blog itself even if you just do it part-time! There are a whole closet full of ways to make some crazy money with your fashion blog.
You first need to understand the concept of how exactly the money is made from this though.
It's pretty much similar to how magazines or even television or news programs make their money.
It's mainly the advertising and the content.
People watch TV or read magazines because of the content, right? Same thing with fashion blogs - people love looking at that stuff or reading about it.
And it doesn't just have to be photos and writing.
People also love doing videos too.
But along the way, TV programs have commercials.
Magazines obviously have some ads along the pages.
But what about a fashion blog then? Again, there are many ways to play around this concept.
One of the basic and popular things to do with this is Google AdSense.
It's basically allowing Google to load up your site with ads relating to your niche and every time somebody visits and clicks on them, they pay you a little bit of money.
Other people who do fashion blogs also sell their own garments and have a mini shop within their blog that their audience can check out which is also very popular and is a huge shift from the retail world to the online market.
The basic thing to understand is that most people don't make money with fashion blogs because they don't sell anything.
Even if you're part-time, you can start a fashion blog without having to knowing how to set up a website.
Setting up a blog is actually easy and often low cost.
A lot of people assume that it takes a lot of time - it really doesn't.
It doesn't take that long to just take photos of whatever you feel like sharing and upload it to your blog.
Then all you really need to do is share it around in whichever ways you can.
You can easily start a fashion blog using WordPress and pick a theme and start blogging.
You don't have to be hardcore and get a professional web designer to make one for you.
The thing you need to really think about is what you're going to sell or rather, how to monetize your blog.
Once you have those things in mind, then all you really need to do is start blogging daily, tell others and get money!