Provide Solutions and Creat New Content by Reading Blog Comments
Nothing came to mind; I would just sit there and think of things but no real idea for a successful blog post.
I was surfing around doing my usual syndicating for my group of partners and I was sidetracked...
we all know how easy that can happen.
Something unusual happened this time.
I was reading comments from people and then it hit me like a ball of light.
Find out what people are asking for and write about that.
The first idea that came to mind was to provide the solution of not knowing how to create an avatar so people can see a picture of YOU and not some funny looking cartoon character.
We are beautiful people and our picture should be shown.
Stay tuned for that video.
Providing solutions for people's needs is a great way to grow your presence online.
Once people see you providing solutions to their needs, they will follow you for future 'know how'.
Imagine you post a new blog entry one day that is providing solutions for comments you read from other blogs and you start to see the ReTweet and Facebook shares increase drastically in number on your solution blog post.
How would that feel? It would feel great to me, so that is what I am going to do from here on out.
How To Find Solutions To Provide Looking for solutions to provide may not be hard to do.
Reading other people's comments should let you know what they are looking for.
You may need to spend some time reading, but you will find solutions you can provide.
After you find the solutions you are going to provide, get busy writing the blog post or article.
This way you will be one of the first to provide the solution.
This will give you credit in your following of 'know how' seekers.
Another great way to provide solutions is to ask your existing followers if they are looking to learn 'how to' do something.
If you already know how to do it, you can easily provide the solution.
If you know nothing about the topic, you cannot provide the solution.
This Can Be Good Or Bad The Bad News is if you know nothing about the topic, this means obviously you cannot provide the solution.
Now you will not be the first to provide the solution to the problem they were looking for.
And even this is not all that bad.
Considering the internet has an unending amount of people who are looking for the same solutions to their interests.
The good news is if our mindset is correct at the moment, our thinkers will tell us, "So I will learn how to so I can still provide the solution".
This is so much fun, learning and developing into our personal best is life changing.
Sharing this with others provides a much more satisfying reward.
Unlimited Amount Of New Content Waiting To Be Written Now you have a reliable source that will always give you topics to write about forever.
Remember this if you ever come to a point when you're fresh out of ideas.
Take the time to find the questions in other comments so you too can provide solutions and earn more online credibility and prestige.
Why don't you leave me a comment below and tell me how you can benefit from finding solutions to problems people have or need help with as online entrepreneurs.
If you do not care to comment, share this with your followers so they too have the same chance as you do to comment.
David Saunders