Getting Rid of Mice in Your Basement
Assessing the Situation
When you believe you have an invasion of mice in your basement and you are looking to get rid of them, there are a few details to factor in before you start finding solutions and implementing them. First, it is vital to determine the size of your basement and also any possible windows or holes in the basement where the mice may have potentially found their way in through. If helpful, drawing a map of your basement might also trigger any thoughts on hiding spots or secluded spots (including under your stairs), where the mice may be hiding as well.
You should also determine the budget you have available to spend on pest control and at home supplies to help you with treating and ridding the mice from your basement for good.
Ridding the Mice
When you are ready to start shopping for the supplies you will need in order to begin ridding the mice from your home, you should also make a list to keep you on budget and task at all times. Traditional mice traps are one option that you can try depending on the severity of the invasion, the size of the mice and also how much access you have to all of the areas in your basement (and where the mice are specifically hiding). When you want an option that will not harm the mice you are trying to catch, you can also look for glue boards and "humane" mouse traps that do not harm mice but often trap them for you to catch and release elsewhere.
If you believe you are ready to start setting up traps and solutions in your basement, you can start to shop for the mice traps and products from home and also by going to a local home improvement store, depending on where you currently live. When you want to look into how to rid mice in your basement from home, using the internet gives you more options and allows you to compare prices of treatments and solutions before you choose to order what you need. You can also compare reviews on the mousetraps and equipment online to find the best rated and priced solutions for you and your own basement as well.