Fast and Easy Blog Writing Tips (Part Three)
Questions are without a doubt the most useful tool I have in my article writing toolbox.
There are three reasons for this:
- Questions force the mind to think of an answer.
The moment I write out a question, my mind can't help but start to ponder about what the answer might be.
It starts digging in all my memories and all the facts I have on file in my brain, in order to start to formulate some sort of response.
Our brains are simply hard-wired to work that way.
So as a writer, as soon as I put down a question, I feel that the next paragraph is already being written.
At times it almost feels that as soon as I write the question, I am able to come up with the answer.
- I can write questions much faster than I can write text.
Try it.
I bet you will find that you can fill up a whole page of questions on any topic you have even a smattering of knowledge about, with a lot less trouble or time than you could write a page of text.
One question always seems to lead to another, and another and another. - I can use the same questions over again for many articles.
If my blog is on a specific theme, the same questions can be recycled for more articles.
For example the question, "How can I find new niches that are profitable and have very little competition?" can produce a never-ending stream of new blog posts.
I can keep coming back to it and either come up with sub-questions that slice off a portion of the answer, or I can reslant it to focus on things like sources to look for new niches, how to avoid competition, how to find out if a niche is profitable, how to find out if enough searches are made on Google to make the niche worthwhile, etc.
Inevitably, it seems that as soon as I come up with a list of questions on a topic, my article is two-thirds written.
That is how powerful questions can be to producing a lot of good content for my blogs and articles.