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For most people, the mention of subtitles and captions will draw references of foreign movies they have watched on DVD or on television. In truth, that is precisely how all of us would have become acquainted with the service. That is because movie subtitles are arguably the most common from, and one that many of us use to enjoy cinematic work from distant corners of the world. The significance of subtitles on film and as a part of television services is not likely to fade. Everyone, whether hard of hearing or without knowledge of the particular language spoken in the broadcast, has used the facility. It is as much as convenience for some, as it is a vital service for others. To that end, subtitling companies continue to invest in improved technology and faster real time services that will satisfy the quickly growing demands of the viewers. However, while its significance to the entertainment industry is not going to fade, it is equally true that the entertainment industry is no longer the only benefactor from subtitling. Now, the business and education sectors are beginning to make practical use the service, with live remote captioning a quickly developing part of the overall subtitling industry. The prevalence that the internet has in the modern world means that television and DVD movies are no longer the only forms of viewing that a person has at their disposal. The internet may also be a source of entertainment, but it is equally true to say that it has become a source for education and information. So much so, that conferences and even lectures are being access via the internet by many who are unable to physically attend. However, the nature of the internet is that such internet broadcasts, or pod casts, will attract an international audience, thereby creating a need for subtitling in specific languages. Such added services, meanwhile, also opens the event up to a wider audience, with the hard of hearing able to participate. The development of remote captioning, therefore, is hugely beneficial. As the name suggests, remote captioning is a service whereby the individual writing the subtitles or captions is not actually at the event itself. Instead, they are working remotely, observing or listening to the event over the internet, radio or even telephone and then transcribing the words that are spoken. However, with the reliability of the internet today, many providers of remote captioning services are viewing the event online, perhaps through Skype or some other video communication service. Since such events are live, coverage is in real time, so it would be very difficult for the dialogue to be written verbatim. Instead, the text written is a summary of what is spoken. For example, a speaker at a medical conference that is being broadcast live via a pod cast may refer to government funding, saying that, Government financial support has been, is and always will be a vital part of any progression in the health services. However, that statement can be summarised to appear as, Government financial support remains vital to health service progression. These words can be written more quickly but the message is not changed in any way. The same service can be provided for a live global lecture series, or live news conference. But while the same subtitling service can be provided on site, which is often the case with domestic television channels, the advantage of the remote option is that the individual inserting the text can do so without actually being at the conference or event. Understandably, this fact drastically reduces the cost of a subtitling service. There can be no doubt at all that subtitling companies will continue to be kept busy inserting text into DVD and Blu Ray presentations, and into TV shows, whether drama, comedy or news and current affairs. The public has an appetite for reading television and movies. However, the significance of the internet, and the changing manner in which people are communicating, instructing and doing business, means that the value of subtitling services now goes far beyond simple movie subtitles. Applying them to internet services, such as the real time live broadcast of events or lectures only adds to the value and, indeed, marketability of the event itself. Thanks to live remote captioning, that added value is now available.
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