How to Get a Woman"s Attention - 3 Ways to Grab Her Attention and Hold It
Just about any guy can come up with a way to get a woman to notice him for a few moments, but that's not really enough if you are trying to make her feel attracted to you enough so that she wants to end up dating you.
A better thing to do is to figure out how to attract a woman's attention and then keep that attention locked on you.
Here are 3 pretty effective ways that you can do this: 1.
Talk to her about something that is interesting to HER.
This is important because so often, guys will start talking to a woman and they go on and on about things that interest them and they totally forget about trying to figure out what it is that interests her.
How interested are you in making conversation with someone who drones on and on about what they like to talk about, but doesn't care about what you like to talk about? You would probably try to end the conversation and get away as soon as possible and guess what? Most women are going to feel the same way if you only talk about the things that you like.
Tell her a story about yourself that is full of twists and turns.
Of course, to do this, you really have to have a story to tell.
If you live a totally boring life and you don't really do much, you probably won't be able to come up with anything.
When I was in college, my friends and I had some pretty crazy adventures and I always find that these are stories that, when told the right way, will captivate a woman and keep her attention locked on me.
What stories do YOU have that can do the same thing? 3.
Once you get her initial attention, move right into some flirting as soon as possible.
Boring is what you DON'T want to be and one way to combat the possibility that you'll be seen as boring by a woman is to flirt with her and make her have some fun when she is with you.
The quicker that you can move into some fun flirting with a woman, the less likely it is that she is going to feel bored and she'll be more likely to keep her attention locked on YOU.