How to Save a Marriage - Communication is Key
Financial worries and family problems can often cause a rift in marriage, but by talking things through these traumas can be overcome. It's the lack of proper communication that is the hardest to deal with.
Many would say that they do communicate, but in doing so this often means they argue a lot. This is not communication, this is disruption.
Don't be under the illusion that your partner automatically knows what your fears and worries are. It's surprising how one can become embroiled in one's own thoughts and fears and expect their partner to be sympathetic. Without knowing what the problems are there is little hope of understanding or sympathy.
Telling your partner the problems you're trying to face up to will take an enormous weight of your mind. Once these things are out in the open, it's amazing how quickly they seem to become less important.
Financial worries are often a major cause of a marriage break up. This need not be the case, as in almost every instance there are ways and means of overcoming the problem.
Unless you're prepared to go through them together however, they are not easily solved and will lead to constant arguments and upset.
Lack of interest in oneself will always create problems in marriage. If you don't take the trouble to keep yourself looking good, then your partner can't be blamed if he/she loses interest also.
It really takes very little effort to keep your standards up, and by respecting yourself you'll find others will respect you also. This is so important in a marriage, and many couples flounder because one or other of them let's themselves go after marriage.
A marriage without any disagreements can be extremely boring, but there is a difference between an ordinary disagreement and a one that bubbles under the surface until it eventually explodes.
If you loved one another initially, then that must still lie beneath the surface. Life has a habit of making us forget what is most important. Laughter, at even the most ridiculous or even serious things, is a great way to break down barriers and bring your true feelings to the surface. Whatever problems you have, you have someone close to discuss them with. Don't push them away.
Talk and laugh together, keep your individual interests alive so you have things to talk about, and spend time listening and understand each other's fears and anxieties.
There are a lot of lonely people in this world who would give a great deal to have someone in their lives. Don't throw your marriage away. With a little effort at communication, you can save marriage by simply being a better spouse.