Creative Ways to Wrap Cash
- A cash gift can be even better when given with a little creativity.stack of cash image by jimcox40 from
On many occasions, cash is a much appreciated gift. Children love to do their own shopping, young adults heading off to university appreciate it and anyone starting a new stage of their life may find a cash gift invaluable. Gift wrapping money in a creative way shows some thought was put behind the gift. - Roll up the cash, then insert it into a balloon and inflate it. If you can inflate it with helium, that is even better. Tie some ribbon around the balloon end and anchor it to a small gift, such as a teddy bear for a child or a small box of chocolates. A fun twist is to anchor it to a small decorated box that contains a pin to pop the balloon and release the cash.
- Dollar bills look pretty when disguised as a bouquet of roses. Use wire or pipe cleaners to form the stems. To make a rosebud, fold your bills in half the short way and roll up each corner toward the center. Tie wire or pipe cleaner around the middle and pinch up the width where the fold was made. Then bring the two ends together and interfold them into a rosebud shape. Two notes held together makes a nice rounded bud, perfect if you're using small denomination bills. Secure with masking tape. Make a dozen or more, depending on your budget, then wrap them like a bouquet with tissue paper and ribbon.
- Buy a large chocolate bar with a paper wrapper that sits over the foil one. Carefully slide off the paper sleeve, wrap the bills around the bar, and cover them over again with the paper. It'll be a surprise even nicer than Willy Wonka's golden ticket.
- Money might not grow on trees, but it looks cute hanging from one. You could buy a miniature Christmas tree from which to hang coins and notes. Otherwise, make your own from a piece of branch secured in a pot with some modeling clay or Styrofoam. Use notes to form the 'leaves' of the tree and add some coins to look like fruit. Paint the recipient's name on the pot.
- If you're giving kids cash, a large amount of coins is more tangible to them than a note no matter what the real value. Save up your small change in a jar for a few weeks or months. Then fill a piggy bank with the change, as well as some larger bills to make up the amount you wish to give. Better still, buy a plain piggy bank and decorate it yourself. Kids will love opening it and counting up the contents.