Top Tips for Purchasing and Using a Wireless Print Server
Thanks to a wireless print server we are able to share one or more printers conveniently between a network of computers.
Wireless print servers are usually available in 802.
11g and 802.
11b varieties.
You should identify which wireless standard your network consists of, and purchase a print server that is compatible with it.
Most networks make use of the 802.
11g standard, and yours most likely will.
You can connect your printer to the wireless print server via a network cable, USB 1.
1, USB 2.
0 or via a serial connection.
Most print servers allow for 2 printers to be connected to them via any one of the previous listed technologies.
The print server will then share your printer across the network, much like a wireless router shares an internet connection to many individual workstations.
Once the printer is shared, you will be able to access it on a specific computer by clicking the "Devices and Printers" option in the Windows Control Panel (Windows 7).
Proceed by clicking on "File" and then "Add a printer", then "Add a network, wireless or Bluetooth printer".
When the name of your printer appears click it and then click "Next" and "Finish".
You can print a test page in order to test the connection between your printer and PC.
Print servers also come with other benefits, for example you will not be required to keep a computer turned on in order to print.
One computer won't manage all of the print jobs either, which means you won't be wasting performance.
Your printer will be able to conveniently be located anywhere within the wireless network range.
Administrators will also be able to change computer names and other settings without having to re-configure settings for network printing.
There are many Wi-Fi printer servers on the market, although a very popular one is the Cisco-Linksys WPS54GU2 Wireless-G Printer Server.
It is claimed to be the best solution for converting a non-wireless printer to one that can work via Wi-Fi.
It allows you to connect up to 2 USB or parallel printers and makes use of 802.
11g Wi-Fi technology.
It even comes with an easy setup wizard to guide you through the installation process, so someone with no computer experience can set it up.