Cleansers and Cleanser Cream: The Benefits and Importance
There is hope for those with such extremely sensitive skin. The use of essential oils in skin care products will not usually cause a reaction, if you are the one in a million who does have a reaction, make a note of the essential oil ingredient, and stop using that one. Essential oils are formed from the natural oil concentrates of natural sources such as sandalwood, roses, lavender, chamomile, and lemon.
If your reactions to skin care products is not alleviated by the use of natural essential oils, then perhaps a visit to a dermatologist is in order. These doctors can prescribe medications that will help you by lessening the reaction, or stopping it altogether. There are also skincare products that are available by prescription that have helped many women care for their skin without any reaction.
There are cleansing routines that can help those with sensitive skin; when washing your face use either a totally clear facial cleanser designed for your skin type or soap designed for a newborn baby's sensitive skin. These soap products have absolutely nothing in them that could be considered as an allergen, to be safe apply a small amount to the side of your neck and wash as normal. If there is no reaction continue to cleanse your face with your fingertips moistened and apply in a circular motion, rinse with clear water and pat dry with a soft towel.
If you decide to buy a new face makeup always apply to the sensitive skin of your wrist before applying to your face.
Be sure to keep your sensitive skin moisturized as dry skin promotes cellular damage that can lead to subclinical damage and even greater skin irritations. Sensitive skin can be difficult to deal with, but that does not mean you have to remain inside forever. There are great products on the market and available by prescription that will allow you to go outside and play and have fun with all the other people who occupy your world.
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