Online Search For Marriage Records
Online search for marriage records are used by some people to trace their family trees and use for legitimate documents for any legal purposes.
FOC and FBR sites are the common ways of online search for marriage records. FOC sites (also known as the free of charge sites) offers raw and sometimes scattered information and the FBR (fee based registry) offers a better, more formal and purposeful information which are also more recommended.
FOC (free of charge) are unreliable sites which offer outdated information and irrelevant documents. Free sites are also illegal sites which can also deliver viruses, spywares, malwares, adware and Trojans that can trace your personal information including personal bank account information and credit card numbers. Most of the time, these FOC sites don't provide any information at all.
FBR (fee based registry) are reliable sites that offer a relevant result to your online inquiries. Because these sites are legal, there is no way for you to be worried about legality of your inquiries. Fee based registry sites can also provide updated results and a wider range of information so you can narrow down your inquiries to the very specific result avoiding the wrong, irrelevant and misleading information results.
Providing the exact name of the husband and the wife can give you a more accurate and better result. Birthdays and birthplaces of both parties are also important in providing more detailed information. Providing very specific information is important to get the exact information you need.
To understand better, let use the name David Smith. There are a lot of David Smith all over the world which means if the information you provide is not specific, you might be led to wrong information giving you wrong results.
You should only pay the registry information fee if your inquiry is successful. It is important to pay because if not, they cannot reveal the information t you or send you a copy of the information. Many states have more strict policy which means information will not be given unless you are an immediate family member or a legal attorney of any of the party (husband or wife). However, if you want to get a relevant and useful result in your search for marriage records, provide specific information.