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Arts & Crafts Business : Society & Culture & Entertainment
How to Make a Summer Centerpiece
Decorative centerpieces are an easy and attractive way to pull together the theme of a summer party. It doesn't matter if your celebration is taking place indoors or outdoors, you can create a fancy summer centerpiece for far less than what it would cost you to buy one at the store. Common summer th
Crafts for Reusing Paper
Paper can be transformed into miscellaneous forms and shapes by adding a few ingredients, and is useful in several crafts, including jewelry making, sculpting and folding. By reusing paper for creative activities, you will save some trees.
How to Make Armor From a Plastic Barrel
Armor was used to protect warriors in battle. Commonly made of metal, skins or even heavy cloth, armor was difficult for weapons to pierce. Armor could completely cover the body from head to toe, or it could cover only the trunk of the wearer. This is the kind of armor that is often seen on conquist
How to Make Rings Out of Dollars
Origami is intricate folding designs that make three-dimensional items, mostly things like animals. The dollar bill ring is an interesting origami craft that you can wear instead of just letting it collect dust in your home. Whenever you're folding paper to make origami, the creases in the folds nee
How to Make a Bowl Out of Melted Mardi Gras Beads
Mardi Gras beads are thrown out to the crowds of people who attend the Mardi Gras festival in New Orleans. The Mardi Gras festival began in the 1830s, and the tradition of tossing beaded necklaces to the masses began in the 1920s. Instead of hiding the Mardi Gras beads away in bags and boxes at the
How to Make a Scrapbook Out of Paper Bags
Recycle your old paper bags into a keepsake scrapbook to display your pictures. For a longer life of the pictures and items, consider inserting each item into a plastic protector sheet. Put your creativity to work and make a themed scrapbook or a seasonal scrapbook. This scrapbook is designed with s
How to Decorate Pumpkins With Office Supplies
If you're looking for a way to add a hint of autumn to the workplace, you can decorate pumpkins to display in an office reception area, in the break room or on a desk using a variety of common office supplies. Those who want to join in preparing for Halloween or celebrate a change of seasons can add
How to Make a Christmas Stocking Card Holder
Many families get the kids into the Christmas spirit with Christmas crafts. Making a Christmas stocking card holder involves the kids and provides the family with a holiday-themed holder for the family's Christmas cards. Display the cards during the holidays and then use the stocking to store the ca
How to Dye Nylon Buckles
Dying clothing is a great way to revive an old T-shirt or shoes. Not every type of fabric can be dyed in the same manor. Cotton, linen, and rayon can be dyed with fiber reactive dyes because they are non- protein based. Animal furs, wool, silk and camel hair need to be dyed with acid dyes in order f
What Is a White Sapphire?
White sapphire is a variety of the gemstone sapphire that is often used as a diamond substitute because it costs less and is nearly as durable.
How to Turn a Hand Mirror
While strolling on leisurely weekend afternoons or browsing through local flea markets is when you come across the best rarities, especially when it comes to hand mirrors. You can find hand mirrors with bases in all shapes and sizes to transform into a decorative piece for your bedroom or vanity set
How to Make Jewelry Keychains
A jewelry keychain is an easy and inexpensive project for all ages. With the assortment of beads, charms and gems that are available, you can let your creativity run wild. Jewelry keychains can be made with cording, ribbon, fishing line and other materials. Bearing these variations in mind, one clas
How to Prepare Materials for Quilting
You've accumulated an assortment of pretty fabrics and planned your quilt design. Before the fun begins, the material must be clean and wrinkle-free.
Instructions for Making Bingo Bags
Bingo is a popular game, especially for senior citizens who often go on a regular basis. Most regulars bring a bag with all their supplies, such as daubers, tape, a staple remover and snacks. A bingo bag is a specialized bag with compartments to hold the individual daubers and keep things organized.
How to One-Stroke Paint
One-stroke painting is an easy way for the novice painter to produce incredible results with just a few supplies. Developed by Donna Dewberry, it has quickly become a popular way to paint designs on walls, glass, wood, metal or any item that will accept paint.
What Countries Fought in the Korean War?
On June 25, 1950, North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel, which marks the separation between North and South Korea and opened fire with mortar and artillery rounds. The United States reacted immediately, sending troops into South Korea, and was determined to keep the Communist North Koreans f
How to Make a Ball From String
Use your creative talents instead of a trip to the department store to transform your home into a warm and inviting space. Add a playful touch to your baby's nursery, office or living room with homemade string balls suspended from the ceiling. You can make the balls any color you wish. Hang the ball
How to Make Homemade Floating Candles
Instead of purchasing floating candles, you can make your own at home. The advantage of making your own floating candles is that you can customize them to match a theme for an event or your home decor. Making your own floating candles will also save you money. The possibilities are almost endless wh
How to Knit on Double-Pointed Needles
Double-pointed needles are used to knit seamless items in a circular fashion that are too small for standard circular needles. They are frequently used to make socks, mittens, baby hats or fashion doll clothing. They come in sets of four or five needles in sizes from 00 to 11 and lengths from 6 inch