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Arts & Crafts Business : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Sewing Projects for Country Crafts
When you think of country crafts, gingham curtains and checkered tablecloths probably come to mind. However, crafting involves being creative in every room of the house, not just the kitchen. Use your creative skills to make items that won't be duplicated by the public and are destined to become fam
Glass Mosaic Tile Art: How to Store Your Stained Glass
How do you store and organize your stained glass without spending a fortune on racks and cabinets? Here's a neat idea to organize your stained glass for a fraction of the cost.
How to Make a Fake Retainer for My Teeth
Retainers, once considered unattractive and despised by teens and adolescents, are now considered stylish and fashionable. If you don't need braces on your teeth, you won't receive the follow-up retainer orthodontists suggest wearing to hold the teeth in position after they have been straightened. Y
How to Learn How to Paint for the First Time as a Drawer & Painter
Are you one of those artists who discovered your creativity in a few successful pencil sketches and decided to start experimenting with paint but don't know quite where to start? A few guidelines might point you in the right direction. Acrylic is the easiest and most versatile paint medium with whic
How to Make Papier Mache Figures
Create cute papier mache figures using nothing more than a small plastic bottle and a Styrofoam ball for a frame. Papier mache is an environmentally friendly craft, as it involves recycling old newspaper, and by also recycling plastic bottles in your project, these little figures will be "green." Us
How to Make a Daredevil Mask
You've just been invited to a costume party and would like to go as the Daredevil, after seeing Colin Farrell in the feature film. If you're not sure how to make an over-the-skull-type mask the comic hero wears, don't fret -- it is easy with a balloon, papier mache and a splash of red paint.
Costume Jewelry Repair Supplies
A broken clasp or torn thread can result in the loss of a treasured heirloom. Keep a jewelry repair kit supplied with some essential components and tools to be ready. Inspect your jewelry collection and determine the style of clasps, metals, bead colors, etc. Purchase replacement pieces and store th
How to Donate Chunky Stamps
Chunky stamps are made out of foam and sometimes rubber. These stamps often give an impression that isn't as detailed as a traditional rubber stamp, but are easier to grip and use. If you have old Chunky stamps around the house, you can donate them instead of throwing them out.
Religious Holiday Crafts
Religion plays an important role in the celebration of the holidays.nativity image by enens from Fotolia.comDesigning your own holiday crafts around a religious theme provides a terrific opportunity for showcasing your talents and your faith at the same time. Religion plays an important...
How to Make Boxes Out of Paper
Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. Origami boxes are some of the easiest things to make. They make great gift boxes, or just great gifts themselves. It's a good starter project, if you've never done Origami before.
Starter Tattoo Kits
If you have ever considered a career as a tattoo artist you have probably thought about purchasing a starter tattoo kit. Most good starter tattoo kits, come with at least one Tattoo machine (what newbs ...
How to Paint Plastic Toys
Painting plastic objects used to be a fruitless endeavor because many paints did not properly adhere to plastic surfaces. Chipping and peeling were just some of the common problems in the past. However, you can paint plastic toys with Krylon Fusion spray paint because it is specially formulated for
About Children's Crafts
Crafts for kids are terrific, especially around the holidays and on rainy days. They are also an important instruction tool in the classroom. Crafts teach many different things and result in a huge sense of accomplishment for the children creators.
Jedi Robe Instructions
Star Wars fans and enthusiasts may decide to make their own Jedi robes for a number of different reasons. Whether you plan to trick-or-treat as a Jedi or you want to dress up for an upcoming Star Wars convention, save the expense of purchasing a robe from a costume shop or catalog by making one at h
How to Make Space Frames Using Straw
Constructing a space frame is a creative way to express your passion for architecture. Space frames are steel, weight bearing models composed of hubs and struts that form geometric designs. Manufacturing plants often include space frames in their design. Jungle gym equipment is often designed in spa
How to use Calligraphy Pens
Calligraphy is the art of writing using fancy letters. It takes a lot of skill and talent to write calligraphy. In order to have a variety in your calligraphy letters, you need to know how to use the calligraphy pen to create different strokes and techniques. Here are some basic steps on how to use
How to Make a Retro Shirt
Retro shirts are all the rage, but buying them can get expensive. You can save money when you make your own retro shirt by using Iron On Transfers. Iron Ons can be readily purchased at many local craft stores. With a little searching, you can often find vintage Iron Ons from the 1980s on many retail
What Are Kids' Art Activities Using Oil & Water?
Even preschoolers can have fun with art activities using oil and water.funny face image by Renata Osinska from Fotolia.comOil and water do not mix. Young artists can use that knowledge to create unique designs. Kids can use oil to write a secret message, to control the flow of color and...
How to Crochet Openwork
Crochet allows you to create a lacy openwork pattern for items ranging from shawls, lightweight beanies and sweaters to delicate, lightweight baby blankets. Because you incorporate so much open air into an openwork item, you are able to complete the project more quickly than if you were to make a mo
How to Make a Boot Bracelet
There are many times when its necessary to wear boots. Adding style and decor to boots is easy and fun to do, especially when you make your own boot bracelets. With a few simple items and some patience, you can easily make your own boot bracelets. Choose beads that match your boots, boot charms or a