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Skin Conditions & Dermatology : Health & Medical

Spring Hairstyles

You walk out the door and are bombarded by a swarming mass of onlookers. Click, click, click, is all you hear, and flashes are all you see from cameras snapping in every direction. Everywhere you walk

Which Is Greener: Natural or Organic? Learning to Make Wise Choices

You're inspired to live a more green lifestyle. What do you do? There are always choices, and making the choice of what kind of skin and body care to use is one of them. If something's all-natural, it's got to be good, right? Right. And, not always right. Even a product chock-full of

Video: The Best Wrinkle-Reducing Face Masks

Video Transcript I'm Dr. Lawrence Samuels, chief of dermatology at St. Luke's Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, and founder of RxSystems PF. And I'm going to teach you how to get rid of those facial wrinkles with facial masks. It may sound easy and it is easy, if you prepare the skin...

Treatment For Eczema - Natural Ways to Help Eczema Go Away!

Do you have places on your skin that itch and burn and literally drive you nuts? Do you find your skin erupting into a mass of red pimples or dry cracks that are so annoying you can't help but scratch them until you finally start to bleed? Are your outbreaks more frequent during particularly st

Chemical Free Skin Care - Believe In Nature

Only hundred percent chemical free skin care products can render your skin the much required nourishment to look healthy, youthful, firm and vibrant! Use 100 % natural cleanser, toner and moisturizers

Is Freezing Brown Spots Really Effective?

The latest technology allows freezing brown spots. This is a method that has been purported to get rid of those dark age spots on your skin. Find out if it really works.

Do Natural Remedies Exist to Moisturize Your Skin?

We all have admitted to trying expensive products on our skin from the biggest brands and have found out just how useless most of their products really are. Your skin deserves the best care possible and what better care can there be than that of natural remedies.

Cures For Back Acne - And Why Do We It?

Would you believe that there are actual cures for back acne that are right under our nose? Their so obvious that most people don't even consider them. But before I get to them, let me ...

How to Administer Tattoo Removal Therapy

The diode laser technology is very popular among many businesses offering tattoo removal therapy. Many people have loved the technology because it works best for them. This has led to the upsurge of demand for ...

My Home Remedy For Stretch Marks

Expensive laser surgery is out of reach for many sufferers of stretch marks, but can a home remedy for stretch marks offer a real alternative at not only removing existing stretch marks, but from preventing stretch marks from ever appearing?A home remedy for stretch marks has been a holy grail for m

How to Eliminate Sagging Facial Skin?

As we grow older the signs of aging start to show up, no one likes to accept this fact but we all at some point will have wrinkles, face lines and sagging skin, however we reduce some of those skin issues and even eliminate them by taking treatments, using creams, therapies or natural remedies.Saggi

What to Do With Facial Moles?

In ancient times certain people might have seen skin moles as a sign of beauty, but in modern times pretty much no one wants to have blemishes on their faces or bodies. Relatives usually don't understand the distress a mole can cause.