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Maintenance & Repairs : Home & Garden
How to Unclog a Toilet in Minutes
A clogged toilet is a common problem, and it can quickly become a nightmare for your flooring and for you, especially if you only have one bathroom. The flushing pressure on toilets is lower today than in the past, making clogs more likely to occur during normal bathroom activities. Many clogs can b
London Builders: Bathroom In Wood. Part One.
For many years there occurs in a modern bathroom a silent battle between necessary practicalities and designers' ideas. Now and again people place there something out of the common.
How to Determine What Sheen of Paint To Use
Paint comes in many different sheens and can be confusing to a first time painter. Paint ranges from flat, matte, eggshell, satin, pearl, semi gloss, and high gloss. Different paint sheens are used for different surfaces and areas of the house. Here are a few tips to help guide you in picking the ri
Enjoy The Winter With Wood Burning Outdoor Fire Pits
The mostly used item at homes, offices and other places in the winter season is wood burning fire pit.
The Benefits To Having A Gutter Guard
Don't you hate it each year or maybe even more often depending on the trees around you having to keep emptying your gutters so that you can be sure rainfall is cleared effectively.
How to Convert Downtube Shifters
Bicycles of the 1970-1990 era had what are termed as "downtube shifters". These shifters were index style gear shifts that were located on either side of the downtube of the bicycle. To change gears you simply moved one of the shifters forward or to the rear to loosen or add tension to the shifter c
How to Install an Entry Door on a Concrete Slab
Entry doors are found on every house no matter how the house is built. They can be installed on wood, siding or a concrete slab. Installing entry doors on a concrete slab is a little more difficult than installing a door through wood because there is not as much room for error. You must measure the
How to Unclog the Pan on a Refrigerator
If that sticky black pool in the bottom of your refrigerator is starting to smell and take on a life of its own, you'll need to unclog the pan on your refrigerator to encourage proper draining. Moisture inside a refrigerator collects on the walls and drips down to the pan. A drain in the pan carries
Fill Valve Problems
Learning to properly diagnose problems with a toilet that is not functioning properly can save a homeowner both time and money. One of the major components that can affect the performance of a toilet is the fill valve.
Kitchen remodeling Los Angeles - Basic preparation for Los Angeles kitchen remodeling
Kitchen plays a significant role in every home where most of the family members will gather at all times.
Dangerous Substances in Well Water
Even the clearest sweetest well water can contain dangerous substances that may pose a health risk to you and your family. Some enter the well from nearby sources, such as farms and businesses, while others occur naturally in the soil.
How to Tilt a Drill Press Table
Tilting your drill press table so you can make special angle holes is not difficult. Most manufacturers of drill presses use the same technique to tilt the table. However, some tilt mechanisms will require removal of an alignment pin that secures the table to the column when the table is in a normal
How to Drain a Heating System
Heating systems that run on water typically use a boiler to heat the water that is used to provide heat for the house. You may need to drain your water-heating system to perform maintenance, such as cleaning mineral deposits or residue that can prevent water flow. Once the heating system has been dr
The Procedure on How to Drain a FASS Separator
A FASS water separator removes water from diesel fuel before the fuel reaches the combustion engine. The separator looks very much like the oil filter. It is cylindrical in shape and approximately 6-to-10 inches in length depending on the engine size. Unlike the filter, you must drain the separator
How Do Ionic Air Cleaners Create Ozone?
Ionic air purifiers are a common and effective way of cleaning indoor air. Unfortunately, some of them have a tendency to produce ozone, a gas which can pose some health risks.
Wonderful Tips For Keeping Any Roof In Enviable Shape
When it comes to taking care of your roof, many homeowners have no idea what to do. Too often they wait until it is too late to pay any sort of attention to their roofing ...
How to Use a Husky Portable 3 Gallon Electric Air Compressor
The Husky 3 gallon air compressor is a lightweight and portable air compressor. This type of compressor is used for shooting finishing nails or staples, filling tires and operating small air tools. The compressor is powered by a 1.5 horse power motor and is capable of putting out 2.5 cubic feet of a
Types of Pipe Couplings
Pipe fittings and couplings are used in most piping image by Inger Anne Hulb?|kdal from Fotolia.comThere are many different types of pipe couplings on the market, but they can be classified into a much smaller group of similar objects. Keep in mind that not all couplings...
The Best Ways to Repair Cement Statues
Cement statues require maintenance and repair.Hemera Technologies/ ImagesCement statues can enhance a garden, commemorate a loved one or event and even greet guests as sentinels by the doorway. Unfortunately, like most outdoor equipment, these decorations can...
Cement Leak Repair
Properly repairing a crack in concrete is all about preparation. Many products on the market claim to fix concrete with a strong bond, but without the proper pinning for the new material, it never will adhere properly to the old concrete. Leaks in cement can cause massive damage to a structure. So b