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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Ancient Celtic Necklaces

The type of necklace worn by the ancient Celts was called the torc. This was a solid, single-piece necklace, generally intended to be worn permanently, with a single opening at one end. Torcs varied from simple, twisted pieces of metal to intricate gold ornaments set with jewels and decorated with

What Are Sanctions in Sociology?

Social norms are rules most people abide by everyday without thinking about them. Wearing clothes, being on time, sleeping on a bed and eating with a spoon or fork are all social norms in the U.S. Sanctions help enforce society's value system and uphold common beliefs about what is right and wrong.

When Was the Adze Invented?

The adze is a primative tool first used by the Dalton people of North America. According to it is still used for scaling bark, shaping and trimming timber, and any job requiring a tool capable of rapid wood removal.

How to Look Up Relatives in Sicily by Using a Surname

Using a surname to look up relatives in Sicily is a helpful way to track the genealogy of your family. However, the act of finding names and placing them into genealogical context is not always straightforward. The first step is to find the correct surname. That might not be as easy as it sounds. Th

History of Black Women Wearing Hats at Church

For many African-American women, looking your best from head to toe is important when going to church, and the hat is one of the most crucial features. The act of covering your head during worship has its roots in scripture. Since, it has become a tradition for many women who want to show respect to

What Are Capital Sins?

Capital sins are also known as capital vices, cardinal sins and deadly sins. These are seven sins that originated in the Bible, and throughout Christianity's history, followers of the religion have been told that these sins are particularly serious and dangerous. The list of capital sins has changed

Etiquette for Sharing Dessert

Traditionally, the final course of a meal is the dessert. It is not unusual for two people to decide to share one dessert. What if you order something and decide to share it with someone else? Or, what if someone else orders something that looks really good and you'd like to taste it? It is importan

The Difference Between Pentecostal & Apostolic

While the Pentecostal and Apostolic movements have a common foundation in energetic worship, gifts of the Holy Spirit and the practice of speaking in tongues, the two movements diverge on certain key beliefs. One of the major foundational beliefs in most branches of Christianity is that of the trini

What Started the Apache Wars?

With few exceptions, wars tend not to start over specific events. While there may be a proximate cause---the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo (World War I) for example, there are always multiple precedent causes. The Apache Wars were no exception. The encroachment of American se

History of Egyptian Gold

Ancient Egyptian civilization dates back as early as 4000 B.C. on the banks of the Nile River. To many, ancient Egypt is synonymous with the type of spectacular gold artifacts discovered in the tomb of Tutankhamun. This should not be surprising, as gold was an important item in Egyptian culture, hol

How to Spot Fake Japanese Swords

True Japanese samurai swords are works of art. They are a symbol of an era when sword makers took great pride in the their crafts. Accordingly, true Japanese swords are fiercely sought after and can command an expensive price tag. Because these Japanese swords are in such demand, many fake Japanese

BBC Pop Music Festivals

Festivals, Concerts and Tours With spring fast approaching its time to book tickets for your favourite events in order to avoid disappointment. Keep abreast of the latest news on concert and tour announcements on ...

The Horseshoe in many different traditions

Are you one of those people who consider the horseshoe to be symbol of good luck? Well, it is a superstition widespread around the world, but a small number of people actually know the history ...

Information About SMC

The Standard Microsystems Corporation (SMC) is, in 2010, a subsidiary of the Accton Technology Corporation with headquarters in Irvine, California.

Bull Run Monuments

The Battle of Bull Run was the first battle of the American Civil War.civil war image by Wd Photo from Fotolia.comThe Battle of Bull Run, also known as the Battle of Manassas, was the first battle to be fought in the U.S., Civil War. The battle occured in July of 1861 in Virginia and...

patchouli incense is combination of natural elements

Imagine indulging yourself in the aromatic pleasure created by natural incense sticks. They suddenly do magic on you. No matter, you are meditating, praying or simple sniffing the scent by sitting in the porch with ...

About Ellis Island Records

Many people in the United States are immigrants or the children of immigrants. Today, newcomers arrive in the country by air, land or sea through one of more than 350 ports of entry. In the 19th century, however, the immigration centers were far fewer, and one of the busiest was Ellis Island in New

Public Information on the State of Alaska

Admitted as the 49th U.S. state on January 3, 1959, Alaska is home to North America's highest mountain, Mt. McKinley. Deemed "the Last Frontier," Alaska takes as its motto "North to the Future." Though the state of Alaska is ranked only 48th in the country in population size, its land mass equals 16

Indian Artifacts Found in the Florida Panhandle

The Florida Panhandle is rich in Indian artifacts and has many artifacts from Paleoindians, the oldest known occupants of the region. The Indians that left remnants of their lives and culture in Florida's panhandle were descendents of those who crossed into North America from eastern Asia when ocean