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Cultures & Groups : Society & Culture & Entertainment

About the Indian Rain Dance

A rain dance is a dancing ceremony performed by some Native American Indian tribes, asking their spirits or gods to send rain. It is more common among Southwest Native Americans, who live in drier regions.

Black Pakistan Cobra Information

The black Pakistan cobra is a venomous snake indigenous to India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Quick to strike and attracted to human habitation sites, this snake has been a common threat to local farmers and villagers.

The History of Cigarettes

Tobacco has an interesting and illustrious history. Thought to be first used by the pre-Columbian Americans, it was the Native Americans who cultivated the leaves for smoking. North America plays an important role in the history and decline of tobacco use.

What Is the Difference Between a Katana and a Samurai Sword?

Although the "katana" has associations with "samurai sword" and represented the spiritual essence of the samurai class, this type of Japanese sword never saw primary use on the battlefield. Instead, the samurais of ancient and medieval Japan actually wielded several different typ

Roman Laws in Judea

The invasion and ultimately control of ancient Judea by the Romans began with early interactions in 63 B.C. From that time forward, the Romans imposed social changes on Judeans that included everything from imposition of taxes to Roman citizenship rights. Rome even instituted a judicial system that

Difference Between Australian and Japanese Culture

Australia and Japan have had a symbiotic relationship with trade for well over 100 years. For example, Australia's sheep farms provide wool for the cold Japanese winters and Japan's insulators helped spread electricity to the far-flung places on the Australian continent. The two countries have profi

Things African Americans Invented

United States history is filled with notable contributions from African Americans, especially in the areas of civil rights and politics, however, many also made their marks as groundbreaking inventors. Many important products and devices used today were created by African Americans, even when their

How to Speak Gullah

Until the work of the African-American linguist Lorenzo Turner in the 1040s, Gullah was considered a dialect of American English. Turner established that this language was actually African-based. He further traced its origins to the creolization of African dialects spoken on the Rice Coast of West A

How to Create a Free Police Patch

Every police department requires uniform patches to display where the officer wearing them is from. Whether you're city, county or state police, your uniform should have appropriate patches on it. If you need to create custom patches there are places you can go to get assistance with the creation pr

How to Make Medieval Paternoster Beads

Paternoster beads can be made of simple materials such as bone. Some Paternoster beads were custom designed and included beautiful stones used for their mystical properties. In Medieval times, they were used to keep track of prayers. Initially, there were composed of 150 beads on a string; each bead

Traditional Japanese Bathrooms

The bath or the "ofuro" in Japan is an important of Japanese daily life and is seen as a time to soak and mediate. Toilets are contained in a completely separate room, and the bathroom simply consists of a deep bath tub and shower head.

Lakota Face Paint

If you want to paint your face like the Lakota (or Dakota) tribe, you'll need to know which colors to use and shapes to paint. Crazy Horse, the most renowned tribe member painted a yellow lightning bolt down the left side of his face, signifying that he would fight to the finish. Other significant c

History of the New York State Supreme Court, Appellate Division

The State of New York is unique in that its lowest level trial courts are called "supreme courts." What in many states would be called the supreme court--that is, the highest court in the state--is called the Court of Appeals in New York. It is an intermediate court, which hears appeals from the low

8 Creative And Memorable Ideas To Celebrate Her 50th Birthday

Getting sentimental with recorded and live greetings at the party, decorating the venue with everything special to her life, putting on clothes like in the days she was younger, distributing old-fashioned goodies in the party, ...

Why Are Political Seats Staggered?

Seats in the U.S. Senate are staggered into three different classes, with each seat in the same class up for reelection at the same time. The practice dates to the original debate for senate terms in the first session of congress.

Louisiana in the Early 1800s

Prior to the 1800s, the Louisiana Territory, an area that reached from present-day Louisiana to what would later become Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana, was settled by the French. After the Seven Years War, much of the territory became the property of Spain. However, in the year 1800, Napoleon

How to Sing the Tones of the Orthodox Church

Of all the denominations of Christianity, the Orthodox churches of the east seek above all others to preserve their ancient character. Amidst the iconography and pungent incense is a ritual that has persisted through the passage of two thousand years. Incorporating Hebrew liturgical style with the p

Teaism: The Art of Japanese Tea Etiquette and Customs

The Japanese team custom and etiquette relies upon the central "hot water for tea (cha no yu) as a ritualized tea ceremony. The Way of Tea is a process. The rules and formalities surrounding tea ...