Common Marriage Issues - The Top 4 Causes of Brief Separations and Divorce
Maybe you both need some time to think about a lot of things.
Maybe it's time for you to be alone for quite some time.
Everybody gets tired of something.
And everybody gets tired of someone.
It just depends on how great your love for each other is.
Some gave up even though they really love each other so much, while some fight and hold on to it when in fact there is really nothing left to fight for.
There are actually a variety of issues that take place inside a marriage.
Sometimes, couples are just blinded by their guilt and anger.
Here are some of the common marriage issues that you might be experiencing as of this moment.
Lack of time for each other.
This is often the reason why some relationships fail.
When your other half demands for your time, give it to him.
Never disappoint or rather make him wait for nothing.
Be responsible with the relationship.
Make everything work.
Do anything to satisfy the other and make him happy as hard as you could.
Time is often one of the most common marriage issues that take place in every relationship.
Having no sexual contact for a very long time.
Men often complain about their wives not wanting to have sexual intercourse with them.
Well sex is basically men's need, so women must attend.
They will not force you to do iit, but they will find another that can give it to them.
It would be a form of betrayal, but women has something to do with it too.
The blame shouldn't be pointed towards just a single person, rather to both.
Since partners do not have time for each other, they rarely talk.
It results to losing the connection between them.
They loose the intimacy too.
Having no intimacy will cause partners so much trouble that perhaps might lead to so many different kinds of common marriage issues and fights.
Their communication will be affected and maybe in time, both will suffer from the isolation they set for each other.
If the wife no longer takes care of his husband, then he will have the tendency to blame her wife for various things.
If he sees you too busy with your work, he'll get busy with his too, which results to a much bigger problem.
if before you iron his clothes, cooks him breakfast, prepare his things in the morning, and gives him a minute to relax, then suddenly you began not doing any of those before, he'll tend to keep himself away from you.
Some of the most common marriage issues often result to brief separation or sometimes divorce.
Never let any tiny issue get bigger if possible.