Two Ways to Find Keywords For Your Blog Posts, Articles, and Websites
This is when I turn to the Google keyword search tool to help me get ideas from others.
There is a simple way to use the Google keyword search tool.
Let me share that with you now.
Do a Google search for the target market you want to find keywords in.
Next, open another window in your browser and use the following link to open the Google keyword search tool.
(Hint: Because this link is not easy to remember, I keep this link in a folder in my email account so it is easy to find.
) adwords.
com/select/KeywordToolExternal You will see two options for word searches.
On the left is for words or phrases you come up with yourself.
Next to it on the right is where you type in a website.
Enter your top ranking website here, click on "search" and instantly you have a list of keywords.
Keep doing this for each of the top ranking websites.
Another very simple way to discover what the owners of these websites have chosen for their keywords and meta-tags is to go to their website.
Right click within the content of the page.
When the menu box pops up, left click.
When the next box comes up look for: META NAME = "keywords" CONTENT= These are the keywords this business is using.
Now you don't have to worry about trying to figure our keywords for yourself.
Nice, right? Warmly, Mary Ann