Homemade Upholstered Headboards
- 1). Lay the wood canvas frame over the plywood sheet, making sure all the edges are flush. Nail the plywood into the frame. A canvas frame is usually used by artists to stretch canvas over, and is available at any good art supply store in a range of dimensions.
- 2). Lay out the upholstery fabric, proper side down and iron out any creases, making sure the fabric is very flat.
- 3). Lay the thick batting over the fabric, put the frame and plywood on top (plywood side on top of the batting).
- 4). Pull both the fabric and the batting over the side of the frame, placing a single staple in the center top. Stretch the fabric up at the bottom, pulling it over the frame and placing a single staple on the bottom. Do the same with the sides.
- 5). Check the fabric side of the headboard at this stage, to make sure it is sitting properly. Adjust any staples in order to get the fabric to sit properly before continuing stapling.
- 6). Turn the board back over once you are happy with the front, and continue stapling, one staple every two or three inches. Alternate between the top and the bottom, and the sides, so that the fabric is stapled down evenly and does not wrinkle or pucker.
- 7). Turn the headboard so that it faces you, then place five staples, equal distance apart in a horizontal line along the center of the front of the board. This will create an indent in the batting and fabric, helping to create the illusion of professional upholstery.
- 8). Staple four staples, halfway between the center line of staples and the edge, and midway between the spaces of the original staples. Repeat on the other side of the initial staple line.
- 9). Sew a button over each staple in the front of the headboard to give the look of an authentic upholstered headboard.
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Hang the headboard much like you would a painting. Place the headboard over the bed, exactly where you want it to hang. Hammer in two nails into the wall to sit on either side of inner frame of the headboard. Place the headboard on the nails.