Although - Even Though
This same sentence structure is used in Mandarin Chinese, with a slightly different construction.
The Mandarin translation of although and even though is:
sui rán
?? (trad)
??] (simp)
Mandarin phrases which use sui rán are followed by a contrasting phrase which begins with dà n shì or ke shì, both of which translate as but.
dà n shì
ke shì
Therefore, the construction of the Mandarin “although” sentence is:
Sui rán (phrase one), dà n shì (phrase two).
The sui rán phrase must come before the dà n shì phrase, even though in English the two phrases may sometimes be reversed.
Examples of Sui Ran … Dan Shi
Please note that in each of these examples, ke shì can be used in place of dà n shì.
Suirán ta chà ng dé bùhao, dà nshì guanzhòng hen xihuan.
Even though her singing was bad, the audience liked her.
??????????????。 (trad)
??????????????。 (simp)
Suirán wo búshì hen fùyou, dà nshì wo hen kuà i lè.
Although I’m not rich, I’m happy.
??????????????。 (trad)
??????????????。 (simp)
Ta suirán hen jiao xiao, dĂ nshì lìqi hen dĂ
Although she is very small, she is strong.
????????????。 (trad)
????????????。 (simp)