What Is Occult Symbol?
Let's observe The Phoenix Bird - the oldest occult symbol! It had an ancient origin from the Egyptian Satanic Mysteries. See! You can see a very superb bird living in the old day! Especially, this symbol is a personal indication of Lucifer who is the King James Version releasing of the Hebrew World.
One true thing is that the occult symbols are progressively replacing the Christian symbols. Accordingly, if you're studying this area, remember that several symbols will keep itself 2 or more meanings. Let's learn this example about the symbol pentagram. It's often used to transmit a paranormal force relating to the rituals. Nonetheless, the Christian people reckon that it represents a star - an exceptional part of the God. Or to the Zodiac sign's image i.e. a fish symbolizes the Pisces sign. However, the Christian believe that this image is a way towards Jesus' steps and his love.
A couple of specific occult symbols' meanings
€ Baphomet is a special symbol that its origin started from the masons. These people often carve this symbol on their possession such as house, church, vehicles, etc. In addition, you need to know that this symbol is a representative of the Satan.
€ Circle is known as an old symbol in describing the limit, connection, completeness, kindness, and female abilities. This symbol has a close association with the Mother Earth's energy. See a small dot in the centre, right? Its meaning is about the male ability. So, the circle and the dot will explain the balance of both abilities of man and woman. Next, pay attention to the quartered circle with 4 equal lines. They will represent 4 positions as South, North, East, and West or 4 essential elements in the nature like Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.
€ Inverted pentagram is the occult symbol of the morning star and a different signal of the Satan. Normally, this symbol will be used into some mysterious rituals and witchcraft in order to call upon the evil spirits.
€ Swastika (or Sun Wheel) is known as an ancient spiritual symbol. Hitler was the first person who used it because he wanted to receive a special power from it. Besides, this symbol is also availed into Greek coins, Buddhist inscription, and Celtic monuments.