Do You Want Your Ex Back? 3 Mind Blowing Tactics That You Should Not Miss If You Want Your Ex Back
That is the obvious fact, but what is not so obvious to you right now, is that most of what you have been doing these past few days has actually caused your ex to leave you more.
You do not want to get caught in a roller coaster of mistakes that you will regret for the rest of your life.
What you must do is be able to control yourself and especially your emotions in this time, so that your ex will open up emotionally to you again.
Here is what you must do to get your ex back...
Fear driven actions- When you are afraid, you will act in manners that will repel your ex away.
You are afraid of losing your ex, which is causing you to constantly call your ex, and be needy.
Your ex will think you are desperate, and will run away from you quickly.
Accept the breakup as what was, and take appropriate action to admit your mistakes, and change for the better.
Once you do this, your fears will be less, which in turn will stop you from making your ex go away.
Love yourself now- You are looking for so much external validation from your ex, that he/she is thinking you are desperate and that you don't actually love yourself.
Ask yourself this: if you do not love yourself, why would your ex want to love you then? This is exactly how your ex feels, you should love yourself so that you are naturally attractive to your ex again.
Reduce the time you spend thinking about your ex- Your ex does not want you obsessing over him/her because then you just look like a stalker.
That is scary to your ex, and the last thing you want is your ex to be afraid of you.
Reduce the time you spend looking at what your ex is doing on their profiles, at work and elsewhere; so that your ex will be able to see you as understanding rather than desperate.