Posts = Traffic - The Reason Why You Should Keep Posting To Your Blog
This is understandable if you are looking to make money.
There are hundreds of methods and strategies for generating traffic.
The most important and least obvious strategy to most people is that you must blog every single day.
The content is what brings people back over and over again.
Sadly, many people forget this or never learn it in the first place.
Giving Up Early Beginners to blogging worry that the blog is a waste of time after a few weeks or even days in some cases.
The reason is because they are looking for instant gratification even though it could take months for a website to be generating steady traffic and income.
This is what deters many people from creating more then one blog and completely quitting internet marketing all together because they are getting $0.
10 a day.
Choosing Expensive Key Words Can Be Bad For the most part, people with blogs will decide on a topic that offers the largest AdSense income.
This is because they are trying to make a lot of money fast.
This is not a good idea because you will end up losing interest.
Who wants to write a blog about DWI lawyers? In addition, these words have very tough competition in search engines because those lawyers are going to have there websites up there.
Building Loyalty When you blog, you will be writing for people right? Many people forget this and write completely for search engines.
They pack their posts with key words and phrases so they can try to reach the top of Google.
This may work to increase traffic but those readers will not come back again and again.
The amount of loyal visitors will grow over time.
This will become the bulk of your traffic and later your advertising income.
This strategy for traffic generation may be obvious but you would be surprised if you searched the different blog databases on the net.
So, the next time you go to create a blog, make sure you write about a topic you know about and prepare to write every day for at least a month before decreasing to a couple of posts a week.