Creative Tips For Generating Great Blog Posts
It can be a daunting task, the idea that you have to create a post that will not only keep people interested, but get them to want come back and read more.
It can be done now.
What have you done for me lately? Getting people to come back to your blog is key.
Each post should grab your reader's attention, making them want to come back for more.
Great bloggers have this ability.
Think you don't have that talent? Think again, all it takes is a few simple tips to write compelling blog posts every day.
There are lots of ways to generate good ideas for blog posts.
What topic are you blogging about? Do a search of Google news for the latest happenings in that niche.
Your post doesn't have to be completely original, you can simply report on what other bloggers are doing.
Become an aggregator for your niche.
Another thought, create a folder of articles and news clippings from magazines and newspapers that are related to your topic.
Keep this folder handy and refer to it often this is a great way to jar your memory when you're having trouble coming up with a new post topic.
Brainstorming your topic is another good way to generate ideas.
Here's an exercise, take a piece of paper and a pencil and write down your main topic or niche.
Now think of a sub topic of that niche, and write it down on paper.
Repeat this process with each of your sub topics, until you've filled the entire page.
The simple act should get your creative juices flowing, refer back to this entire list and you'll probably find several topics to blog about.
One last tip, some days you'll seem to be on a roll where the words will simply be flowing out of you like never before.
When this happens, instead of writing one big blog post, why not write several shorter posts and postdate them.
This will give you several days worth of posts for your blog.
To sum it up, the best bloggers are not necessarily the best writers.
They are simply the writers that can come up with the best topics to blog about.
Practice makes perfect so keep making those posts.