Right Reasons for Getting Married
A study of why people get married would reveal that over a hundred and one reasons may have resulted into the marriages that the world is grappling with today.
The reason or reasons for which one gets married has such dare consequences on the marriage relationship that it is important that we know the reasons we are getting involved in marriage or why we should marry in the first place.
There are right and wrong reasons for getting married.
The right reasons for getting married are basically two namely: • Companionship, and • Procreation Marriage resulting from any reasons or reasons outside these two is already on a faulty foundation.
Every effort to salvage such marriage would necessarily end in the manner of an old straw house - as you patch, as it leaks.
• Companionship - Some of the synonyms of companionship are friendship, company, camaraderie.
In the holy writ, the Creator expressed the need to create Eve as an help meet for Adam when he said it is not good for man to be alone.
No man is an island is another popular expression that supports the place of companionship in the well being of human beings.
The way we are wired from our nature and the process of the human arrival on earth, clearly emphasize the place of companionship in our lives.
The Bible book of Ecclesiastes has this to say of companionship - Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.
For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow; but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he hath not another to help him up.
Our individual experiences also clearly show that our sweetest moments in life, our best experiences and memories and the best massage of our ego are found in relationships.
Other people with whom we are associated such as same gender friends, parents, brothers, sisters, children and business associates have terminal dates when they must leave us.
There is only one of our relations who would not leave us unless on the point of death or separation.
When age arrives as it does for those who lucky to live long, the need for a relationship of an intimate nature or companionship is greater.
Only a spouse can help and bear in this circumstance.
• Procreation - This is the second of the two right reasons for getting married.
The right way to see this is as the second reason.
It is not to be considered as an alternative.
If so considered, that act would convert it into a wrong reason.
The genesis of this reason also issue from the commandments that the Creator gave to the first man and woman to multiply and replenish the earth.
The dynamic interplay in raising posterity requires the kind of intimate relationship expressible only in a marriage relationship.
Its design and purpose places in the hand of man one of the acts of God - creation.
This knowledge and information is important to be imbibed and acted upon by all.
It would shed light on one of the mysteries of this earth and prepare men and women to attain the highest fulfillment possible in life.