How to Setup Your WordPress Blog to Benefit From Facebook Comments
Everyone is trying to figure out how to capitalize on the 500 million plus Facebook users.
One simple method to get more Facebook users to your website is to install a plugin on your website that allows people to comment on your blog using their Facebook account.
The benefit of allowing people to comment through their Facebook account is that if that comment is posted to their personal profile, all of their friends will see it.
If their friends see it, they might visit your site.
They actually market your site for you.
Facebook Application The first thing you need to do is visit Facebook to create a new application.
That might sound complicated, but it's not.
It's simple.
Get started by visiting the Facebook developers page.
If you don't already have an account with Facebook, you might need to sign up.
If you're already signed in, then you just need to click on the "Set up New Application" button.
The next screen will ask you to put in the name of the application.
You can name the application anything you want.
The easiest way to name it is to name it after the website where you want to install the application.
After you've named your application, you will be taken to a new page.
Look at the left column and click on the "Website" tab.
At the next screen, you will need to put in the site URL.
Be sure to include the forward slash at the end of your URL so that there are no errors when you create the application.
Click save changes.
At this point, your application has been created.
The only thing left to do is to copy the application ID and keep it ready because you will need to paste it into your plugin settings at your WordPress blog.
Your WordPress Blog To install Facebook comments on your blog, you need to install a plugin.
Go to your plugins page and click "add new.
" Type in "Facebook Comments for WordPress" because that's the name of the plugin we want to install.
When you see that plugin, simply click "install now.
" The plugin should automatically be installed but you need to activate it.
Click on the link to activate your plugin and paste the application ID from Facebook into the appropriate space.
Save the settings and your plugin should be activated and ready to go.